Why isn't there a topic on this already? Or is there one and I'm not being very observant? Anyway... I didn't see one in Forge Discussion so here goes... If you haven't already seen this, than you need to do so right now. Bungie is giving the forge community a heads up so that they can prepare their maps for inclusion into matchmaking playlists. That's right, forged maps made by the community will be included into matchmaking. That's like better than Bungie Favorites. There is a downside however: there are very strict limitations as to what will be allowed in. Here is a list of things NOT allowed: The Unlimited Budget Glitch, or any glitch having to do with the game's limit on budget. Maps that use performance-destroying features (Flame grenades, fuel rod guns, quickly-repsawning fusion cores that are being blown up constantly, for example) Maps whose name or content are licensed properties (an infection map called I Am Legend or Dawn of the Dead for example) Forge Flash Sculptures, jumping puzzles or gimmicks There will likely be more limitations to come, so this list could get even longer. Anyway, I'm excited as all hell for this to happen and I'm determined to get a map I make into this thing.
I want to see the whole list, and hopefully glitches won't include interlocking, or mallet's yellow is gonna be the entire playlist.
This makes me think where Bungie gets it's infection maps for the living dead playlist because they suck.
What would the definition of a gimmick be? is that like Teleporter Doors, Switches, Death Pits and such? Because thats rather vague... I could submit one of my first competitive maps in, might not get much reception though
Yes, a gimmick would be all of those things. Also something considered a gimmick: my fishtank. Anyway, I'm locking this folks. Go here to discuss this.