Ok, heres where im at.. Me and my brother have always loved to 1v1, whether its serious or just for fun.. Anyway, Ive been trying to find maps dedicated to being for 1v1 or even 2v2 just so we dont have to play halo 4s wide variety of large maps. We always liked guardian and a few other halo 3 maps, but halo 4s selection of maps are a lot different. Im sure there are many people out there looking for new (not remade maps) and nicely forged 1v1 maps to play on. I searched and didnt not find a thread for this yet but if there is, could someone link it here so I can get on with my map search But, if there is no such thread, It would be very generous of you all to post any 1v1/2v2 maps that you have forged that would be fun to play on So, if you could just leave a screenshot or video and a fileshare name and map name for download purposes, that would be great! thank you!
In Reach lots of people forged this sort of map. I'm sure that plenty of people will continue to do so in Halo 4, but none have actually been posted here yet. As soon as the map database opens up, you should be able to look in the standard maps section and find some though. Welcome to ForgeHub!
Thanks for the welcoming! And yes me and my brother will as soon as finals week is over and im home for break but it would also be nice to get a plethora of 1v1 maps just thown at me lol. Im also not nearly as good as anyone on this site at forging a map.. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Again, thanks for the welcoming! Im hoping many people start forging halo 4 1v1 maps Some people are just ridiculous at forging perfect 1v1 maps.. I, unfortunately, am not one of them.. but nonetheless, i love to play. lol
Welcome to Forgehub :3 As far as 1v1 maps go I think that everyone is more focused on the forging potential for 4v4 maps due to Halo's new sandbox. But come 2 weeks from now I should be getting for the holidays my own copy of Halo 4, and I have a 1v1 plan that came together nicely in reach. And you know you can always make one yourself.
thanks! and yeah i havent seen much out there :/ and I know I probably could make one.. but i am not skilled/patient enough to make any sort of decent map.. but i know a lot of people here are extremely talented.. so i figured i would ask.. plus its finals week for me and its been hectic :x maybe next week me n my brother will finally decide to try something..
Yay! Someone else who enjoys 1v1 maps. Unfortunately there aren't too many out right now, but there were a good amount of 1v1 forgers around during Reach's time, so hopefully they come back for Halo 4. I think it's only a matter of time before we see some really good 1v1s, I hope so at least. I personally love designing smaller maps and have got a few in the works. I wouldn't consider them great but they're something Here's to hoping we get some more quality 1v1s pretty shortly.