Almost, You could add Spawn Area's, "Spawn Cameras" where the camera looks while choosing your load out.
Thanks for that, but I saw that in the gameplay video as well. I haven't gotten around to adding it though mainly because it already says "Rocks" in the object list, and I don't even know for sure where the rocks would go in the list. I'm kinda waiting for some more footage of Reach, or for the full object list to be given to us by Bungie.
I didn't add in many objective items yet because I'm not quite sure yet as towards how they are going to be set up or named in the final game. I kinda assumed that anybody looking at this object list would already realize that the couple basic items were already in the list such as respawn points and flags, but I guess not... XD
So I'm working on my sketchup objects and I have most of the block names sorted out but theres a few I don't know Block, 1x1 Block, 1x1, Flat Block, 1x1, Short Block, 1x1, Tall Block, 1x1, Tall and Thin Block, 1x2 Block, 1x4 Block, 2x1, Flat Block, 2x2 Block, 2x2, Flat Block, 2x2, Short Block, 2x2, Tall Block, 2x3 Block, 2x4 Block, 2x4, Flat Block, 3x3 Block, 3x3, Flat Block, 3x3, Short Block, 3x3, Tall Block, 3x4 Block, 4x4 Block, 4x4, Flat Block, 4x4, Short Block, 4x4, Tall Block, 5x5, Short Block, 5x5, Tall Any thoughts on the ones that aren't numbered/bolded?
The massive budget and huge amount of objects are two things that are going to make Reach Forge a million times better than H3 Forge. The possibilities are going to be endless..
Well it looks like there are a couple blocks above 11, 10, and 9 that have yet to be labeled, so I'd assume those are the last few that you couldn't find. Nice job by the way MickRaider.
Dang a lot of this stuff just looks so sweet. Hopefully there will be more special effects and I know that grid will come in handy too.
The thing I am happiest about is that there are bridges with little walls on the side to prevent people from falling off. This will be much easier instead of having to manually place wedges to prevent people from falling off.
haha sorry, when i replied to this, i was on my meds and i go like 100x stupider than i already am so. But yea good, cuz if they took CTF out, i would cry. like a girl.
The first version of MLG gametypes will be the vanilla game with a different starting weapon, H3 v1 had ARs, Equipment, and High Ground was used. Things will be eliminated for balance issues, but Jet Pack would be placed on a map as a "power weapon" if it has a lot of vertical fighting. Just sayin' MLG isn't as linear as people like to think. On topic, I had no idea about half the **** in that post, where did they show the different lights at? Because as of now that is what I am most excited for. And by "change the teleporter size" do you mean we can change the actual size or just the area of effect? Because all I saw in the video was a ring around the tele getting bigger while the tele itself stayed visually the same.
I think it's just the area of effect, which to me is stupid. I'll end up making a marker to where the teleporter boundaries are so people know where they can go if end up using a larger sized teleporter.
That's pretty crappy, I would rather have a "telewall" like in CE that we could just expand in size. It may not be as aesthetically pleasing, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense then invisible teleportation fields.
That's what we've originaly been doing this whole time though. Just about every enclosed map has invisible teleporters in walls, but the area aroung them makes it obvious that there's a teleporter there. If you don't like invisible teleportation fields, then don't increase the area of effect.
I'm actually stoked for the way this is set up. We can use a single Tele node for multiple teleportation sites. Not to mention that we can now make just about anything a teleporter because we can phase the node into something and expand the AoE. The puzzle map makers are gonna have a field day with this stuff.
Just noticed something in urk's Incompetent Cartographer: I couldn't find it on the list and haven't heard anything about it before, though it makes sense (on that note, I wonder if we can finally choose the thumbnail for maps rather than just having a standard one of the canvas you used). I couldn't find confirmation of where it goes in the item menu, though alongside spawn objects would seem a logical place.
Yeah Pegasi, I'm sure quite a few people have known about this for awhile as I think it was confirmed by Ferrex in his Q&A on the forums, but thanks for bringing this to my attention. I don't thing there will be any more gameplay videos coming up here in the last couple of weeks, but if Bungie doesn't post the object list, I'll make sure to write down every object I see in the list at PAX in September so you guys can at least see it two weeks early. And if at all possible, pictures will be taken.