Halo Reach Survival Guide Forge World Express Hey Guys xSKYLINERX here just saying that me and a group of my friends just made two new episodes of Halo Reach Survival Guide, and basically these are just steps that don't even help in anyways in Halo Reach. Basically we are making a series out of it for Machinima and we came up an idea of making a Halo Reach Survival Guide. I prorbably would say that some steps might even be catchy for you, and some can even help you but who am I kidding. There are maps that are in our videos that were heard before in forgehub or even Halo Reach Forges and some what. Also we will make a little tiny Series of showing the maps that were in Halo Reach Survival Guide. The series we are going to make is called Forge World Express. This Series is basically just showing maps such as Remake of Foundry that was in Episode 2 on Halo Reach Survival Guide. Well we are trying to keep up our Series and our Channel Views as well, so we want you guys to please watch them and Subscribe us for the video we made. Also please Rate the videos! Its really important if you do Like the Videos! We are new the whole machinima thing so our videos are new. This is our first time making Halo Reach Videos, so we hope you enjoy the videos we made. And please don't anything bad about or leave a comment that you hate it in Forgehub or Youtube. We had enough with the whole Hated comment in Forghub that was sent back in the old Youtube Channel, so please if you are going to say simething bad about either keep it to yourself or just put it in a good word in the comment. Thanks! Power To The Yoink!! YouTube - Halo Reach Survival Guide ST:1-2 Subscribe Go To: http://www.youtube.com/TheYoinkStudios YouTube - Halo Reach Survival Guide ST:3-4 Subscribe Go To: http://www.youtube.com/TheYoinkStudios Alright guys these are the videos we made We will keep in touch with this thread and add little but more to it, and we don't have real website at all so yeh we only have webs.com and bungie.net groups go to them and we will keep more post about new episode that are coming out for Halo Reach Survival Guide. Follow Us On: http://twitter.com/YoinkStudios Follow Us On: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Yoink-Studios/106755056039234