Forge World City

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Xx5mike5xX, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. Xx5mike5xX

    Xx5mike5xX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey everyone. This is the first map I am making for Forge Hub. It is a city map and I am trying to make it work for infection. I still need a lot more to do. It is only about 3/4s done. So far, I have 4 buildings and a car dealership. All of them are enterable. If anyone wants to help me, just tell me. I will give you credit for helping me. So here are some pictures.

    This is a picture of the skyline


    This is the apartment building and the (unfinished) Sears Tower


    This is looking out of the Space Needle at the highway


    Looking down the subway on the boardwalk (in this picture, it doesn't look like it goes down but it does. The stairs are right after the entrance.)


    What I still need to do:
    •Finish the Sears Tower
    •Finish the highway (i might just leave it the way it is)
    •Build more streets
    •Make a working subway
    •Make a working 2 way elevator in the apartment tower.

    Like I said, if you can help me, I would appreciate it very much.
  2. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This sounds very ambitious. A working subway? I'm not sure how you are on budget but I would just focus on finishing what you have here first. Even for infection so far this map is really open and the highway makes for a linear stretch without much room for anything except sniped bodies. I would consider either bringing that base off the highway closer to the city, or blocking off past a certain point on the bridge and leaving that area off the map, and just focus on the highrise area. Looks interesting so far, but keep at it. It needs more cover and height variation to make it more competitive.

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