Hello everybody, it's me again! Back with some more information that will help you out when planning out a map on Forge World! This isn't a basic object list, or a thread to post your map ideas. This is a compilation of all the areas that Forge World will include! Such areas include the Coliseum, the Quarry, the Pillar, the Island, the Coastline, Alaska, the Canyon, Montana, and the Lagoon. Below these two paragraphs filled with text are images with the name of the area in print beneath them. Remember that this has been barrowed from Urk in his Bungie.net Blog; The Incompetent Cartographer. The Quarry The Pillar The Island The Coastline Alaska The Canyon Montana The Lagoon If you know of any additional areas or images that I have not included in this post, please give them to me so I can add them to this thread. Thanks for your time!
Benji has brought it to my attention that this has already been done. So feel free to lock or delete this thread admins and moderators. I'll just go crawl into the box that I live in and cry...