Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rolfero, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Got any videos of you doing this? Could be a major discovery FYI :p
  2. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
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    On the topic of the Weaponless glitch, a far more exciting glitch happens with armour abilities, specifically, armour lock. It basically gives you God Mode.

    To do it, set an armour lock to INV_Gate in forge, with the spawn sequence set to a corresponding territory. Then, in game, when a player picks up the gated armour lock if the player happens to be in armour lock when the corresponding territory is captured, either by chance or being in the territory in armour lock for the last few seconds, the player will lose his armour ability, but still be in armour lock. On the players screen the character will look no different, and will be able to walk around normally. But to every other player in the game, the player will still have the glowing armour lock effect around him, and will be completely indestructible (with the exception of kill balls and map boundaries, which armour lock is susceptible to anyway). Rockets and grenades won't bounce off the player, and punching the player won't do EMP damage to your shields, but the player cannot be effected by damage, including fall damage, and splattering.

    As an added bonus, the invincible player can still drive vehicles and use every other armour ability except armour lock if the player picks it up. So if you have any invasion maps you play custom games on with your friends, spawn a gated armour lock and watch them accuse you of hacking in bewilderment as you become completely invincible.

    Don't believe me?

    Oh, and heres a link on how to do it in forge using the "delete all of these" tool.
    YouTube - Halo Reach Tricks: Episode 10 *Unlimited Armor Lock*
  3. genkai78

    genkai78 Forerunner

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    I know... unfortunately I don't. I just wanted to post what I've found, and what I have figured out in the hopes that someone could figure the rest out. I'm still pretty new to all of this and don't have much confidence in my ability to figure out how to replicate this.
  4. DeadlyHeretic

    DeadlyHeretic Ancient
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    Say you make it so the humans are the zombies and vice versa, so that when the 'zombies' die they become the 'humans'. This essentially allows the 'zombies' to have one life.

    Now, since they are actually the humans, they can't infect anybody. So this means that they are all alpha zombies, and as such the survivor traits could be used in place of alpha zombie traits.

    The only downside is that they can't infect anyone and only get one life.
  5. AdZyZ

    AdZyZ Ancient
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    Do any of the other armour abilities glitch?
  6. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    I created a little trap thing using the 'Fake Wall' technique and the pull of a one-way shield door.

    I just made a hallway with walls except a little section made out of the capture plates, and put the shield door in the wall so it was hidden, and it pulls people right through. Planning to trick my friend with it later =]

    On another note, great thread, it deserves to be stickied.

    EDIT: I've also found that if you place a one sided shield door on the ground, pull side up, along with a gravity lift slightly sunk into the ground, it is impossible to move from the gravity life once you walk in it (at least I wasn't able to).
    #86 soccerholic1816, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  7. AdZyZ

    AdZyZ Ancient
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    I've been really enjoying the tricks/tips in here lately, so thought I'd post one of my own.

    The evade armour ability allows you to be slightly lower than just crouching - this means you can effectively make areas where only players with evade can go under (eg. small tunnels). Takes some light experimenting, but easy enough to do.
    Also, evade allows you to pass through the vehicle man cannon (and potentially other vertical grav lifts) unaffected.

    In a map I'm making, I use this to force players to switch to the evade armour ability.
  8. SirPalesAlot

    SirPalesAlot Forerunner
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    I still think you should add in my tip about how one-way shield doors affect vehicles when you are in them while passing through them. Everyone knows the basic way to use them but not many people (from the maps I have played) have taken advantage of how they are affected by the angle of the one-way shield door.
  9. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Tip no. 12?
  10. SirPalesAlot

    SirPalesAlot Forerunner
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    Actually tip number 12 says nothing of how the angle of the shield door affects the movement of the vehicle...It only says that the vehicle will only be affected by the one way shield door if someone is using it. And post number 10 only talks about how speed is affected. I believe there are more possibilities that may be overlooked if you are not aware of how the angle affects the player in or out of a vehicle.

    In case the post I put up was looked over here it is again.

    "About the shield door part. I was constructing a race map and was trying to make the landing for a large jump just right. Using the shield door perpendicular to the landing ramp tends to slow you down almost to a crawl. I wanted the drivers to maintain as much of the speed they had as possible. After messing with the one way shield doors for a while I found a way to make it where someone could land a large jump even at a bad angle and not lose all their speed due to the shield door. The trick to it is making the angle of the shield door right. If you angle the door enough, it will actually not only slow you down, but it can change the angle at which you are traveling (not in a major way, but only enough to save you from wrecking).

    Examples of angle changes and what they do are:

    If you want the vehicle to be thrown straight to the ground, angle the shield door with the top in the direction the driver is coming from. ___\___

    If you want to create a soft landing for someone doing a jump while moving at high speed all you have to do is angle the shield door in the opposite way listed above. ___/___

    Depending on the angle that you use you will get different speeds at which it slows you down while forcing you to the ground or softening your landing.

    When I say it softens your landing I mean that it decreases two of your speeds rather than just one. It decreases your forward speed of course, but it also decreases your falling speed. So when your wheels hit the surface you do not bounce.

    Also to be noted, if you are moving fast enough, sometimes you may have to place more than one shield door to get the desired results. These shield doors most of the time do not need to be at the same angle, but they should be decreasing or increasing angles in the series (decreasing or increasing depending on what results you want to achieve)."

    Along with that example...You can use the shield doors to launch you in the air. The way you do it would be similar to how you would construct the shield doors while trying to make an elevator. The difference here is the angle. If you have the shield horizontal it will only move you vertically. If you put it at a 45 degree angle, it will launch you at that angle. Of course the speed at which it moves you will not be fast, but that is just another example. I figure most people would easily figure that tip out if they read the elevator, but the landing ramp part seems to be a bit overlooked seeing as how every time I come across a race map the shield doors slow me to a crawl or throw me to the ground. And if you want to test what I am talking about there just go to my file share and download the demo gt= SinCity334 and if you do not want to do that there are some pics I put in this thread as well. There isn't much to describe the pics in the post but you can tell from the pics what is happening.
    #90 SirPalesAlot, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  11. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
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    The only other ones I tried were Jet Pack, Camo and Sprint, and none of them had any effect. You can try the others, but I doubt it will work.
  12. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    Nice compilation, I may use the boat trick.

    Has anyone else noticed that weapons set to fixed will float in midair when dropped and become solid? Picking them back up can be a little difficult, but these may be an interesting mechanic for a minigame or puzzle.
  13. RandomPanda0

    RandomPanda0 Forerunner

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  14. SirPalesAlot

    SirPalesAlot Forerunner
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    Yeah I think someone had a thread up asking about it before. If I am correct I think someone said you could use the same method as in Halo 3 to get them to stay in the place you wanted. Ex. Place an object to the desired height. Place weapon on top of object, then delete everything under the weapon. I do not know if that works or not so maybe checking that out would be something to give a shot. It would be useful information to those who didn't forge in Halo 3. I would give credit to the person who found it in Halo 3 though. You may be able to check all of the different glitches from Halo 3 (of course the phasing objects one wouldn't need to be checked lol) but there may be some glitches that can be reused and may actually still serve a purpose.
  15. Perrin2040

    Perrin2040 Forerunner

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    Great Post

    Great Post, some really useful stuff.

    The boat trick is awesome, I really just want to leave work and head home to try it out right now! Could make a whole water battle that way, very very cool.
  16. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    This is a little bit different than that, though.

    I know how to make an object float but still be dropable as usual. What I am pointing out is what happens when you drop them when phased. They float, fixed and static. The process you refer to leads to the weapon being on the ground, properly when dropped. I will go check out that other thread, though.
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Fixed Weapon Tech​
    Elevator Up: Place a movable crate on a mancannon, with a fixed weapon on top. When the player walks over it, he can pick up the weapon and the elevator will go up.
    Elevator Down: Place the crate against a wall, and a weapon next to the crate that presses it against the wall, so the friction keeps the crate in place. When a player walks over the crate, he can pick up the weapon and the elevator falls.
    Trap: Place a crate on a flat surface (not necessarily horizontal) with a fixed weapon on one side of it and a mancannon on the other. A player who picks up the weapon will be promptly splattered by the crate.
    Cart: This works similarly to the trap above, but the crate is placed on a track so a player on top of it can pick up the weapon and go speeding along a course propelled by mancannons. A vehicle like a shade could be placed on top of the cart.
    Automation: Players automatically pick up ammo for weapons they are carrying, so by placing one of these near the start of a game and giving the weapon no extra ammo, the tech will be set off by anyone who goes near it. This would be especially useful for the trap, but it only works if the player still has the same weapon with low ammo.

    Tip: When placing the crate, it may be helpful to keep it in the fixed state so it does not move before the fixed weapon is placed, then change it back to normal physics.
  18. TakingGorilla

    TakingGorilla Forerunner

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    Evening out objects

    Evening out objects
    This is a really simple way to help make objects line up. Normally it is almost impossibe to totally line objects up so that they have equal height. All you have to do to fix this is to hold one that you want evened, line it normally, then click B and clicking on Edit Coordinates should make their height equal.​
  19. jjman123

    jjman123 Forerunner

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    boat trick

    Whenever someone uses this in a god map can I have the link to the map I couldn't find the other one
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I think most people already do this. At least I do. It's just a basic aspect of the coordinate system, and it's easier to edit the coordinates to the right position, than to move it there manually then use coordinate snap.
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