Not sure if this has been posted so apologies if it has been. If you place a one way shield face down with a normal shield 2 degrees above the one way shield, you can make a transparent bridge which while u cant walk over the bridge, vehicles like the ghost can drive over.
READ BEFORE POSTING Please go to the New Tips and Tricks thread. This thread is outdated and will not be updated.
Easy Invisiwall. Forging today and I found a neat trick. Put two Struts together so that they look like this. Anything but a player on foot can go through. A player who crouches can fit through mine, but the height can be lowered to fix that. I think it is a neat way to make a sort of mirror maze for halo reach. I'll go work on getting some more pics so I can show it better.
The weaponless spartan is a great idea for machinemas and the fake wall is fun, but is actually not good on maps, because it is not obvious to all players. Another thing you can add is SPOTLIGHT. I saw this on a map I played on the other day. Prisoners in a jail break out. The falcon is a haven zone, so it shines a light down to the ground (the zone outline looks like a spot light). But more, the invisible inmates (humans in zombie variant) are no longer invisible, because the armor ability is nullified within the haven zone.
This thread is outdated; please re-post that in the new one so everybody will see it. I agree, i'll lock the thread so the other one gets more attention.