Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rolfero, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo: Reach
    Tips and Tricks
    After some searching, I found no thread like this. If there is somewhere please remove this thread and link me to the thread :)

    Basically, this thread will consists of tips and tricks you can do in halo: reach forge. Preferably, all tips and tricks should come with somewhat of a tutorial on how to do it.
    Pictures are preferred, but not required.

    First, a list of the...
    Tips and Tricks:
    I. One-way Elevator
    II. Capture The Vehicle (Invasion)
    III. Proximity
    IV. Spartan-only/Elite-only slayer
    V. Safe Landing
    VI. Underwater Information
    VII. Green Objects
    VIII. Stockpiler 'Goose
    IX. Movable objects Immovable
    X. Slow Down with One-Way Shields
    XI. End game when Zombie Dies
    XII. Vehicles affected by One-Way Shields
    XIII. Fall Damage
    XIV. Weaponless Glitch
    XV. Survive All Falls
    XVI. Min-Max Tech
    XVII. Awesome Button
    XVIII. Weapons Vendor
    XIX. Merged Explosives
    XX. Fake Walls
    XXI. Evade Jump
    XXII. Jetpack Jump
    XXIII. Boats
    XXIV. Unlimited Armor Lock
    XXV. Advanced One-way Shield Techniques
    XXVI. Directing Teleporters
    XXVII. Fixed Weapon Techs
    XXVIII. Advanced Elevator
    XXIX. Increasing Mancannon Power
    XXX. Weapon Stands
    XXXI. Tractor Beam
    I. One-way elevator
    The one way elevator is very simple, and consists of One-Way Shields, nothing else is needed. It looks nicer if you add some walls around it tough, but that's up to you.To make a one-way elevator, build One-Way Shield Doors with the red/orange side pointing towards the way you want the elevator to go. Build them in a chain in any direction (usually up, but any direction works). When you touch any of the shield doors, you will be propelled in the direction the red/orange side is facing.
    Pictures of it in action:
    The elevator itself, me below it:
    I jump up into it, and pop up above it (a):
    Without the shell:
    Me jumping into it...
    And me getting propelled upwards.

    Also, a link to B3NW's topic explaining this:

    Discovered by several people, including me and B3NW among others.
    II. Capture the Vehicle (Invasion)
    This is basically a very simple way to make a pretty cool change to a phase in invasion of CTF

    The difference is that in this gametype you already have the flag, but needs to get the hill back. The hill, in this case, is any vehicle. (kind of hard to bring a bunker to your base, huh?)
    To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Build a flag stand or similar.
    2. Change the GAME TYPE LABEL to inv_obj_flag
    3. Change the SPAWN SEQUENCE to whatever phase this should be the objective
    4. Build a vehicle of some sort
    5. Change the vehicles GAME TYPE LABEL to inv_objective
    6. Change the shape of the vehicle to rather large, so you need to stand next to it to return it.
    7. Dont forget to make all the other changes that's needed!
    8. In the gametype, change CORE CARRIER TRAITS to 0% speed and 0% jump height.
    Unfortunately, this only works with other phases being territories, or ctf like this (capture the vehicle), because the core carrier cant move while holding the core (which forces you to get the vehicle instead). As the core carrier traits affect the bomb carrier too, assualt is impossible to do too, unless it's "Get the vehicle to the bomb and then arm the bomb". :)

    One last thing: This might be possible in normal ctf. I haven't tested.

    Discovered by me.
    III. Proximity Switch
    The Proximity Switch is basically an old switch that kinda works like the one from Halo 3, the wire tech. Just this time, it's WIRELESS!
    It works by spawning a man cannon 2 seconds in the game next to a movable object of some sort. Then, the movable object wont be affected by the spawned man-cannon unless someone either shoots the object, or comes close to it, unlike in halo 3, where you needed to touch it. When this happens, the object is launched by the man-cannon, which could be used for some excellent crushing traps.
    Here's how close you need to be for you to affect the object:
    notice the crate did just lift off the ground :)

    Discovered by me among others.
    IV. Spartan-only/Elite-only slayer
    If you want to play a slayer game, where you are only allowed to either be spartans or elites, this is how you do it!
    You need to make your own gametype just how you want it, but you need to either base it off Slayer Pro (Spartan-only) or Elite Slayer (Elite-only). It's as simple as that. :) If you want the players to be their preferred species, just base it off normal Slayer.

    It's that easy!

    Submitted by Julenissen666.
    V. Safe Landing
    Is it possible to land safely when flying far away in a man cannon? Yes, of course! :D

    It is very simple, when you hit the ground in high speeds such as ones created by mancannons, you die. Unless, you hit the ground with an angle. Like this: (Awesome lines drawn by me)
    :) it's that easy. No need to come crashing down and die now ;)
    Just change the man cannons angle to produce this result :D
    Discovered by many, including me amongst others.
    VI. Underwater Information
    This is more of a tip than a trick, and more of information than a tip.
    This is basically a list of alot of objects and their minimum Z-coordinate to be able to stand/crouch on it in the water without drowning.

    Here's the list:
    Grid: 1.7
    Building Blocks
    1x1/1x2/2x2/2x3/3x3/3x4/4x4/2x4/1x4: 1.1
    1x1, Flat: 1.5
    1x1, Short: 1.1
    1x1, Tall: 0.1
    1x1, Tall&Thin: 0.1
    2x1: 1.5
    2x2, Flat: 1.5
    2x2, Short: 1.3
    2x2, Tall: 0.1
    3x1, Flat: 1.5
    3x3, Flat: 1.5
    3x3, Short: 1.3
    3x3, Tall: 0.1
    4x4, Flat: 1.5
    4x4, Short: 1.4
    5x1, Short: 1.5
    5x5, Flat: 1.5
    Bridges and Platforms
    All Bridges (Six first in "Bridges and Platforms"): 1.6
    Dishes: 2.0
    Corner 45 degrees and Corner 2x2: 1.4
    Corner 4x4: 1.7
    Landing Pad: 1.6
    Platform, Ramped: 1.0/2.6 (main area/lowest point)
    Platform, Large+XL: 0.6
    Platform, XXL: -0.4
    Platform, Y: 1.5
    Platform, Y, Large: 2.1/1.7 (low part/high part)
    Sniper Nest: 1.6/-0.5 (lowest point/sniper spot)
    Staircase: 2.5/0.2 (low part/high part)
    Walkway, Large: -4.4
    Doors, Windows, and Walls
    -The following items were flipped 90 degrees in a way that they makes excellent ground-
    Window, Double: 1.5
    Wall, Corner: 2.1
    All Walls (including curved): 1.5
    Wall, Coliseum: 1.4
    Window, Coliseum: 1.1
    Bunker, Small (+covered): 2.0/1.6 (lowest point/main area)
    Bunker, Box: 2.4/0.6 (floor, roof)
    Bunker, Round: 1.8/1.7/0.0 (lowest point/floor/roof)
    Bunker, Ramp: 2.1/1.4/-0.4 (lowest point/floor/roof)
    Pyramid: 3.4/1.6/0.1 (floor/ramps/roof)
    Tower, 2 Story: 1.3/-0.9/-3.1 (first floor/2nd floor/roof)
    Tower, 3 Story: 2.3/0.3/-2.2 (first floor/2nd floor/3rd floor)
    Tower, Tall: 0.1/-1.4/-2.9/-4.4 (lowest point/first floor/2nd floor/roof)
    Room, Double: 1.3/-1.1 (floor/roof)
    Room, Triple: 2.6/-0.6(floor/roof)

    Oh, and I think it's worth mentioning that this is also very good to see the height differences between the objects, which you can use to reduce bumps between objects.

    All objects that can be used for ground added. Tell me if you want any more to be added

    Tested and written by me.
    VII. Green Objects
    Everyone likes green objects, right? This is a pretty cool aesthetic trick that changes an object to a green-ish colour. Basically, you need to phase it into certain trees on forgeworld. Just nudge it in there, and I bet you'll find just the spot. I can assure you it works, heres a screenshot of it:
    Please tell me you see the difference :D

    Discovered by Waylander.
    VIII. Stockpiler 'Goose
    Oh hey, this is a cool change to an otherwise also cool gametype.
    It's really quick, and really simple.
    You basically make a mongoose the flag spawn point, and everytime the flags are reset or respawns at the flag spawns, they appear wherever the mongoose is. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Make sure you have set a hill or similar to be the flag drop-off zone (setting the label to stp_goal)
    2. Build a mongoose
    3. Change the mongoose's label to "stp_flag".
    That's it!
    What, really? Only three extremely small steps?
    Yup, it's that easy! :D All you need to do now is to start a epic game of Stockpile :D
    Discovered by Smeagle.
    IX. Movable objects Immovable
    Unless you didn't know already, there's an easy way to make movable objects (such as weapons, crates, and similar) immovable! All you need to do is to change the items "PHYSICS" to "FIXED", and place it on the map.
    When an object is immovable, you can also phase items through it!
    Here's a cool screenshot of it:
    Hey, who put that sword there?
    See how awesome it looks. And you can make it way cooler!
    Remember, you can only phase other items through these items that used to be movable, not vice-versa. :) Happy awesome forging!
    Discovered by Waylander.
    X. Slow Down with One-Way Shields
    Here's a pretty neat way of slowing down when for example launched through a man cannon or boosting with your ghost/banshee.
    You simply build One-Way Shields, with the red/orange side pointing towards where they are supposed to go to. Believe it or not, if something goes fast enough it will slow down when going through One-Way Shields. It still launches things that doesnt go fast enough, which makes it perfect for something that hinders you from dying when launched through a man cannon. :)

    Discovered by shidarin.
    XI. End game when Zombie Dies
    We all know the anoying bug by now, amiright? Playing a nice custom game of duck hunt, someone epicly gets throught the whole track, kills the zombie, and then... nothing. Leader has to end the game, start it again, and by then people are annoyed already.

    I have found a way around this.

    *WARNING* This will only work on games with only 1 life. If you try doing this with more than 1 life per round, it wont work, and the infected wont be able to infect anybody. This is perfect for games like duck hunt only.

    Instead of placing blue spawns where the infected is meant to spawn, place him as red, and everybody else as blue. Once the surviver (the zombie) gets killed, he joins the infected team (the survivors) which automaticly ends the round. Simple!

    Wrong. Just make traits for him via "Base player traits" and the traits for the rest, in the infected traits. All that really happens here, is that you are just reversing the zombie with the survivors.

    This also means ingame, when it says "new zombie", you are actually the survivor, not the zombie.

    Hope this helped some people out. I will look forward to seeing you guys, and maybe making some maps for your people's enjoyment.

    TL;DR. Invert the spawns. Do it.

    Credits to Norbo11 for all the text which I, being the lazy ****head I am, copy and pasted.
    XII. Vehicles affected by One-Way Shields
    Basically, keep in mind that vehicles aren't affected by one-way shields unless someone is actually inside the vehicle.
    Discovered by em0srawk, probably amongst others (such as me)
    XIII. Fall Damage
    Copied this thread:
    Fall damage findings I've noticed that lots of people are complaining about fall damage and thinking of ways to avoid it, I decided to make this thread to place tips of avoiding fall damage and such and also to post the results of the test I ran.

    I ran a test to discover the hight at which fall damage kills. I had a guest drop from certain hights onto a platform that I know the hight of (35 Co-ordinate Z nudge hight). I discovered that they died at the hight of 43.6 Co-ordinate Z nudge hight.

    This means that fall damage is fatal at an 8.6 Co-ordinate square drop!

    I hope this help people (Idk how but whatever) and please post your findings and tips.

    P.S. I was going to see the minimum hight it takes to get effected by fall damage but I forgot to :p

    EDIT: This test was done on Spartans

    This test was done by em0srawk.
    XIV. Weaponless Glitch
    This glitch tutorial on the weaponless glitch, known on halo 3 as "lowering your weapon", is copied and pasted from the original thread
    I've 'discovered' a new weaponless glitch! I say 'discovered' as a disclaimer, I haven't seen it on the interwebs and I found it using forge by myself.

    I discovered this glitch when forging my invasion map. When a bomb went off, I wanted a whole base to be destroyed so I set them to Gates on sequence 1. After I added the weapons I playtested it. When the bomb went off there was a DMR floating in the sky, I went back into forge and set the DMR to sequence 1 Gate. when playtesting it dissapeared from the base when at sequence 2 but I discovered that if I was holding the weapon it dissapeared from my hands! Anyway, onto the method of doing this.

    Firstly, place an objective, sequence 1. Then, place atleast 2 types of weapon down, specifically ones you don't spawn with and set them to spawn sequence 1 and label the INV_GATES, I suggest that one of those is an energy sword. When holding those weapons, capture the terretory and when phase 2 starts, KABLAMO! The weapons you were holding will despawn and you're left with nothing! Depending on what you had equipt, your arms might look natural (If you were holding a rocket launcher when you lost your weapons, one of your arms is seriously messed up).

    Anyway, thats how you accomplish it. Later today I'll put links to my gametype and map for this.

    UPDATE 30/9/10:
    Uploaded my map and gametype to my fileshare - Click here to download
    Note: you don't loose the turrets so don't bother trying, you can however carry a turret around and still have no weapons (if that makes sence).
    Originally Posted by Chan [​IMG]
    Sword with weapon lowered.




    Thanks for adding screenies! I didn't realise that lowering your weapon would effect your pose. I've aslo noticed that you can't crouch when you're like this instead, you raise your hands like you're holding a gun but if you look at it from the right angle it looks like you're clapping.

    Originally discovered by em0srawk.
    XV. Survive all Falls
    To survive a fall from ANY height, ANY, simply press crouch when colliding with the floor. Remember, timing is important! REALLY IMPORTANT! I've done it ONCE. ONCE. I tried like twenty times.
    Submitted by Dulden, also discovered by others.
    XVI. Min-Max Tech
    By using this tech you can make destroyable items being able to spawn at certain spots when you destroy another duplicate of the same item.
    Basically, place two land mines. Change the setting on one of them to:
    SPAWN TIME - 180
    And then change the setting of the other one to:
    and change:
    MIN COUNT to 1.
    Next, start a new round and destroy the second landmine. The first landmine will now spawn. :)
    Lots of people discovered this.
    XVII. Awesome Button
    Lots of people probably already know this (a guy posted a map with this), but the min/max tech from Halo 3 is still here, and easy to do with landmines ;) To make a button work using a landmine so another landmine spawns somewheres else (hit the button just as someone is about to walk over where it spawns?), you gotta first make sure that you have both landmines spawned. Set the one that will spawn to 180 spawn time and place at start to false. The one that you use to spawn the other one must have never as a spawn time. Then, go to advanced options on one of them and set minimum to one below the number of landmines place and maximum is at how many is placed.

    Now, as mentioned in the main post on how to make moveable items stay in place and the fact that you can phase items into them, put both landmines to fixed and place them where you want them.

    For the one that activates the other, put it somewhere with the blinking red part facing towards the side of the wall that the person pushes the button from. Phase a wall into it to the point where just the blinking part is sticking out. Phase a shield door slightly into it so it looked like the wall is a TV when it loses connection (it looks static-y). Now, start new round. Hit the button and the other landmine will spawn!
    Submitted by LRMAN0989.
    XVIII. Weapons Vendor
    This is a really easy, smart, and cool way to make a mini weapon vendor. Basically, throw a grenade into it, watch it explode, and take your weapon.
    I'll simply quote General LiWar here:
    See, easy!

    XIX. Merged Explosives
    Following is some information regarding Merged Explosives. Use with caution!

    If you merge a fixed explosive (to where it is completely covered/submerged) into an object (I use Wall Colosseum for a floor), Even though it isn't showing, if it blows up it can damage you.

    - Land Mines work just the same, only they blow up when you step over them.

    - Explosions in merged object also will trigger other explosives that are merged nearby (So you can have an entire room with hidden explosives). You can make a self triggered mine field with this or a more dramatic explosion in assault (I used this one, very cool).

    - Nothing like shooting, grenades, or anything outside the object will affect the explosives.

    - Only an explosive that is sticking partially out of the object will trigger the others inside the object.

    And, to quote the original author, I'll end this tip with...
    Go Wild!

    Discovered by Mista Skittles.
    XX. Fake Walls
    I'm going to quote em0srawk on this one, and for the twentieth tips and/or tricks there's even a video! :D

    Woo, twentieth trick! Yay!
    Discovered by em0srawk.
    XXI. Evade Jump
    Evade boosts a player's speed momentarily, but that speed can be retained until the player touches the ground. Giving a player 300% speed and 50% gravity will allow clearing the gulch in one giant bound. The small hills are enough to send the player airborne over most of the distance. To take complete advantage of this, a ramp at ~30 degrees can send the player almost entirely across forgeworld. If increasing player speed to 300% is undesirable, using a mancannon to give a player speed before the jump has a similar effect (mancannons have no effect on players traveling at 300% speed). Evade jumps can solve the problem of allowing zombies to cross large areas quickly, speeding up gameplay in large infection maps. WARNING: Such high speeds are difficult to control, and hitting some objects can be fatal.

    Credits go to pyro6666.
    XXII. Jetpack Jump
    The greatest problem with a jetpack is gaining enough speed to actually go anywhere, and this can easily be solved by a mancannon. Without any changes in traits, a jetpack jump from the ocean in forgeworld using a mancannon heavy (angled directly upwards) can reach the flat area above the colosseum.

    Credits go to pyro6666.
    XXIII. Boats
    Cazmoldy have found a trick that allows vehicles to "float" on water, while Spartans/Elites do not. This makes the perfect boat.

    YouTube - Halo Reach Tutorial: Usable Boats

    Credits to Cazmoldy.
    XXIV. Unlimited Armor Lock
    Originally posted by Dulden.

    My friend found out how to become invincible. What you do is make an armor lock, go into player mode, pick up the armor lock, use it and go into forge mode while using armor lock. Now create a second one and click delete all of these. If you go back into human mode you'll be glowing and be invincible! The only things that can kill you is an enemy assassination or a kill ball. You can even fly around in a falcon! All credit goes to fluffyroks2 for finding the glitch.

    As mentioned, discovered by fluffyroks2.

    ALSO, here's how to do it in-game:
    (Invasion only, posted by Kealan 02)
    To do it, set an armour lock to INV_Gate in forge, with the spawn sequence set to a corresponding territory. Then, in game, when a player picks up the gated armour lock if the player happens to be in armour lock when the corresponding territory is captured, either by chance or being in the territory in armour lock for the last few seconds, the player will lose his armour ability, but still be in armour lock. On the players screen the character will look no different, and will be able to walk around normally. But to every other player in the game, the player will still have the glowing armour lock effect around him, and will be completely indestructible (with the exception of kill balls and map boundaries, which armour lock is susceptible to anyway). Rockets and grenades won't bounce off the player, and punching the player won't do EMP damage to your shields, but the player cannot be effected by damage, including fall damage, and splattering.

    As an added bonus, the invincible player can still drive vehicles and use every other armour ability except armour lock if the player picks it up. So if you have any invasion maps you play custom games on with your friends, spawn a gated armour lock and watch them accuse you of hacking in bewilderment as you become completely invincible.
    XXV. Advanced One-way Shield Techniques
    Copy 'n' pasted:

    About the shield door part. I was constructing a race map and was trying to make the landing for a large jump just right. Using the shield door perpendicular to the landing ramp tends to slow you down almost to a crawl. I wanted the drivers to maintain as much of the speed they had as possible. After messing with the one way shield doors for a while I found a way to make it where someone could land a large jump even at a bad angle and not lose all their speed due to the shield door. The trick to it is making the angle of the shield door right. If you angle the door enough, it will actually not only slow you down, but it can change the angle at which you are traveling (not in a major way, but only enough to save you from wrecking).

    Examples of angle changes and what they do are:

    If you want the vehicle to be thrown straight to the ground, angle the shield door with the top in the direction the driver is coming from. ___\___

    If you want to create a soft landing for someone doing a jump while moving at high speed all you have to do is angle the shield door in the opposite way listed above. ___/___

    Depending on the angle that you use you will get different speeds at which it slows you down while forcing you to the ground or softening your landing.

    When I say it softens your landing I mean that it decreases two of your speeds rather than just one. It decreases your forward speed of course, but it also decreases your falling speed. So when your wheels hit the surface you do not bounce.

    Also to be noted, if you are moving fast enough, sometimes you may have to place more than one shield door to get the desired results. These shield doors most of the time do not need to be at the same angle, but they should be decreasing or increasing angles in the series (decreasing or increasing depending on what results you want to achieve).

    Credits go to SirPalesAlot.

    Please post your own tips and tricks. :)
    I will add all the posted tips and tricks to this post.

    STUCK and update-edits courtesy of pyro6666

    XXVI. Directing Teleporters
    XXVII. Fixed Weapon Techs
    XXVIII. Advanced Elevator
    XXIX. Increasing Mancannon Power
    XXX. Weapon Stands
    XXXI. Tractor Beam
    XXXII. Jump Pad

    XXXIII. Ladders
    Video courtesy of Rifte:
    YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 5: Ladders
    XXXIV. Drop Pods
    YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep1: Drop Pods

    #1 Rolfero, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2010
  2. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very impressive :) Hoping to see more from you. The one-way elevator worked flawlessly, thanks. Haven't tried the 2nd trick/tip yet ill come back to you when i do. Other than that great job, this could be a sticky if all goes well!
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW. Second time the one-way lift has been used in a tutorial with no credit to me :l
    I think the post could do with some better formatting, spoilers within spoilers are a no-no and hiding the tutorials isn't a great idea. I would rather one large post with images hidden in spoilers. Good work so far, but I doubt you will develop this further.
  4. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry B3NW, had no idea you've come up with that before. Link to thread? :3
    Oh, and I found out another thing, maybe found before, but worth mentioning:
    Spawning a, for example, heavy crate then spawning a man cannon 2 seconds later (1 second doesnt work) will make the heavy crate not be affected by the man cannon until it for example gets shot at (just like Halo 3, right) but theres a small difference. In Halo 3, a player needed to touch it for it to be affected (or shoot it or whatever) but in Reach, you only need to stand close to it.
    Actually, if you get this close, it'll be affected:
    Notice that the crate just lifted off the ground.
    Let me add this to the main post too, wait...

    Oh, and what was the first tutorial the One-Way lift was used? link?
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Also, a video tutorial was posted around 24 hours ago in the video discussion.

    Ohh and that tech you just mentioned is "wire tech". Glad to see it is still available in reach. Gonna mess around with that myself, see if there are any new properties.
  6. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, edited the main post and added a link to your topic.
    Remember to post your tips and tricks here ;)
  7. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool, someone should sticky this and then you should find more tricks and post them in this thread :)
  8. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, and even better, I find more tips and tricks and you other guys do too and post them here :)
  9. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh, i have one. when people have elites as prefered race, they will be elites in custom games. some people make maps and gametypes that should be only spartans (like battlefield gametypes etc.)
    to make a gametype with only spartans, just select slayer pro or swat, then change the gameoptions to create the gametype settings you want. when you start the game, everyone are spartans.
    if you want only elites, just select elite slayer.
    i havent figured out how to make this in objective games. but i think we just have to play an objective game in arena and take that gametype in cutsom games and then change the settings to create your own gametype with only spartans.
  10. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Will test this and if it works I'll add it. :) Great!
  11. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Actually the 3rd on is EXACTLY like the one in halo 3. You never had to touch it as long as you got close.
  12. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Uh, I don't think so. And just to be sure, here's two pictures:
    The first one, it still hasnt been affected by the man cannon...
    The second one, it just became affected:

    I think this speaks for itself. <3

    Edit: Also added elite-only and spartan-only slayer to the list. :) going to bed now, cya tomorrow
    #12 Rolfero, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  13. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've already incorporated the elevator into a staircase for my Longest remake.

    I like how the mancannon thing is wireless now. Much easier to set up.
  14. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm bumping this. I'm always looking for new tips and tricks, you should be too ;)
    dont forget to post them here :3

    Edit: Also, I guess I could add a very simple how-to not die when using mancannons
    It is very simple, when you hit the ground in high speeds such as ones created by mancannons, you die. Unless, you hit the ground with an angle. Like this: (Awesome lines drawn by me)
    :) it's that easy. No need to come crashing down and die now ;)
    #14 Rolfero, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  15. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great work, especially the invasion part will help me a lot and will save me hours of work ♥
  16. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll throw my hat in for making this thread the official tips compendium. Also, here are some more that if they were discovered already, then I'm sorry.

    Discovered by Waylander
    --If you place objects in certain trees at certain spots on Forge World, their color can be changed to a deep green.
    --If you set any movable object (including weapons) to Fixed, you can then move a phased object into them. It doesn't work vice versa however, as the first object cannot phase into the second one.

    --When a mongoose is labeled as "stp_flag" whenever a flag is captured, or reset, the flag will spawn wherever the mongoose is there and then.
    #16 Smeagle, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  17. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Reviewed, and all seems to be working :) Added to main post. Remember to post here if you find out anything other cooler :3

    Remember the rules, post tips and tricks here get tips and tricks in return (a)
    #17 Rolfero, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  18. shidarin

    shidarin Forerunner

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    B3n, I have a sinking sensation you'll see a lot of this because the one way lift idea occurs pretty natural to anyone playing with one way shields and grav lifts. If they don't give you a shout-out, it's probably because they thought of it on their own :)

    I'll throw my own tip into the ring, but like I said, it's probably been thought of before.

    One way shields also sap kinetic energy. If you have a mancannon that's killing players before they land (something that happens all too often) you can have the players fly through a one way shield before they land. I have it as a key feature in several places on a map I'm working on now.

    I believe they'll also bounce off the wrong side of a one way shield without taking damage- but I believe they maintain a lot of their initial momentum so they can fly off in some pretty unexpected directions. I haven't tested that fully.
  19. XIx Rapture xIX

    XIx Rapture xIX Ancient
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    This is a great post. I really like the switch idea. However, since it's based on range, you could call it "Proximity Switch" or "Proximity Sensitive Switch". It took me a minute to figure out what was meant by Close Sensitive Switch. Other than that, great job.
  20. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I have to say this thread might be deserving of a sticky. Get a few more tips/tricks and I think it'll be worthy.
    Some of these things are really useful (water information) but the setting of items as fixed I think has some glitches. Can't remember exactly what, but there are.
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