Just a quick question for the community, hopefully someone can help me. Is it possible to make a one way teleporter to receiver that only allows one team through? For example, on a map I am working on I have a large middle structure high up and two teleporters in order for players to get down. My intentions were to make it so that one teleporter could be used for each team (red and blue). So is it possible to make it so my red side teleporter will only let red players through and my blue side teleporter only let blue players through? If this is possible please let me know as soon as you can. I have tried changing the label on it and the three options were "slayer_only", "team_only", and "FFA_only". I was happy to see "team_only" but that didnt do what I wanted it to, I believe that refers to Team slayer, but then why would they have "slayer_only"? Maybe im just missing something. If i can get this to work it will add SO MUCH to my map, please help
Unfortunately, these one-team teleporters can't be done. As far as the "slayer_only" tags go, those simply refer to which style of gametypes they will appear in.
If you want red team (just for example) to teleport from the top of the buiding to the bottom without giving the blue team the possiblity of using the teleporter then you might need seperate rooms for the different teams to spawn in.
You are positive that it can absolutely not be done in any way shape or form. I don't mean to sound like i don't believe you i just would like it to be 100% confirmed that it is not possible
Unfortunatly team color specific items only affect objectives and no forged items like teleporters. However there are some other ways of making teleporters exclusive to curtain teams however they usually take up a lot of the forge budget to perform.
Yeah, i am pretty much finished with the map and i only have a little over 100 left in my budget so expensive solutions are not an option.
They aren't possible. You'll just have to separate the teams. Why does everyone keep asking this, anyway?