MEOW okay so i recently talked to some ppl and saw the remake thread and have seen other what do u want bungie to make next and i was looking at what bungie has made so far... nuf said so i was thinking that we could form a team* to build some much needed well made maps... some on foundry and some others on blackout... i was wondering what the comm. thought... so here is wat i the groups would be formed of... Type of Forgers 1. you must actually be good at forging and build the kind of maps that EVERY touching object is interlocked and most touching the floor are geomerged... 2. you must be willing to work with a group of ppl and build rebuild and put actually time into the maps... Goals 1.Ivory Tower remake 2. midship remake 3. Ascention remake (Blackout) 4.what ever maps you guys wanna see... Thats bout all i got what you guys think good idea or waste of my posting time lol 0_o rolfhelicopter r haz epic fail LAWL lolrus lolcat MEOW french
I could try and help if you would like. If you think I stink then let me know. GT: xCoreGamerx PS Don't Judge me off my previous maps.
I probably won't be able to help, but I'll watch for the maps and I'm really looking forward to the Ivory Tower remake. Get someone good for switches. You'll need it for the elevator.
Please talk like a normal human... It's fine to talk like that if you're trying to be funny, but if that was an attempt at humor... It was failed. About as much as a dog kennel hiring Michael Vick. Good luck with this, I'm not sure how you'd remake Ascension (spell it right at least) on Blackout... :/
Okay so i take it that 1 supporting the idea... good to now and i shall see tho at the min i really cant be TOO picky Psht... JEEF has solved that problem already and it is amazing... it is very creative but... sadly not a switch tho it very 100% usable... and wont halp i actually am a good forger not a noob with a desire to be great... i only finish half way through maps then delete only one has gotten finished n thats cause it was a co-forge... i have other co-forges in the process maybe then i can prove myself... I am to glad to hear it tho i would appreciate it is some on like you would join the mention i dont haz to be the boss im just want to get this project underway... and im not a bad forger REALLY i havent done anything gr8 on FH yet but keep your eyes peeled... not litORALLY of course Skill and dedication finding a place in the sky obviously far away and outside the barrier where the jump to rocket can be completed and not be a step more of a death wish gone wrong... n i was pissing off my twin w/ my epic lingo it was a joke i meant to erase it i merely 4got but ya i no i was just making him aggREvatED that is ALL
Boyle, I owe you so you know im in. You have my gamertag just send an invite anytime when you want to get started. (after im done with my template of course though)
I would liike to help and I also need help. I have done a remake of Relic which got good reveiws just needs some small time consuming changes. What i need help with is my remake of boarding action im having trouble with the 5th floor
okay so i have some inrest i soppose i should post a thread to get some teams going and try to rouse some attention... but i will wait a week and a half so till then hopefully this thread can live on for awhile... but its glad to see ppl agree i mean come on IVORY TOWER... that map was epic win... i tried once and failed but w/ some co forging i no i can make an epic map... so i was thinking 3 to a team... and we can give each member a deadline and a task depending on what they wanna do and i can be an overseer as of now of Ivory Tower and will work to clean merges org. thing and build MOST of the map tho im sure there are some ppl that wanna help too so this is good...
i support this idea! idk how you would make an ascension remake on blackout though still even if you did find a way for the rockets and far away from map it still most likely would not feel like ascension at all and would prolly be fail (not to be a pessimist but it would be extremely difficult it seems). I would love an Ivory Tower remake though and fully support it. definitely work on that one first b/c i guarantee 99% of the community would love you forever if you all made a GOOD Ivory Tower remake
NEVER doubt me and my follow forgehubber lol we can do anything... i was even going to give it a working wonka-vator and a added superbounce and a popmachine and a garrage and a small turtOL somewhere n the corner... BUT NOW uv crushed my feeling and im going w/ a simpler design nice job... lol im giving u a hard time... but newho... i havent had meh xbox for awhile but i was thinking... that i might be able to fit it in minor changes maybe make it a right angle shape instead of straight but i think there might be enough space the hard part will be item limit... and i will prob use juicy and pen and ink b/c it makes it so u can see w/o making the map noobish... but i will cross that bridge IF i get there... and the comm. already DOES love me (right guys............ guys....... anyone) okay alright good point n i no i will have to work out how to fit in the sword room part thats it.... but i think i can manage if i try and with some good forgers help.... I would love it if u can make a good one and dont get too far ahead of urself the map still hasnt had the first box placed and this map since i want to give it MY ALL could take a good 1-2 months too do by the time testing reworking spawn layout testing and forging is done... and collabrating a co-forge