THATS RIGHT!, the Forge Spectacular is back, but this time with a twist!..again... We will be having the Forge Spectacular every 2 weeks, (possibly every 3) the Forge Spectacular will start out on the Monday 2 weeks before the game. When We will post a contest for this Forge Spectacular. A CONTACULAR! Each contest will have a theme, the contestants will have 5 days (Monday to Friday to submit their map. There will then be a vote from Friday to Monday to decide the winners. The top 3 winners will be announced on Tuesday. For those who win, the prize is...HAVING YOUR MAP PLAYED IN THE FORGE SPECTACULAR!!! and possibly future Forge Spectaculars if it's good enough. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! If you happen to be so lucky that the staff think your map is good enough to be in a feature vote, and if you happen to win, then you get a CAMEO (guest appearance) on the next H3Artificer Bootcamp! (speaking of which look for the next one to be here in a few days). If you don't want to enter the actual contest that's ok you can still signup the signup thread (and FS information) is located HERE Forge Spectacular 4/23/09 Sign ups - H3Artificer THIS CONTACULAR'S THEME IS: Just like the good 'ol days, one hour to forge a map. Make a map in one hour, we won't check to make sure that you followed the rules to the minute, but stay close, we'll eliminate anything that was obviously not made in an hour. Submit your maps HERE Forge Spectacular Contest #1 - H3Artificer Good luck and Good Forging.