Thats right! It's time for another day of the Forge Spectacular. On May 23rd, Forge Spectacular number 6 begins. The Party starts at 8:00 EST This is the special event the Artificers hold, to get the community together, to have fun, and to learn a few tips and tricks of the experienced forgers. We invite every member here to sign up, and to help create some fun maps. Click Here for the Full-Story Here is the sign up form-- Sign up Form Artificer User Name: XBL Gamertag: Age: Timezone: Please report in EST. Do you have a Mic?: Yes/No Legendary Map Pack?: Yes/No Heroic Map Pack?:Yes/No Time you are sure you can attend: Report in EST (Yes we copied FH's sign up form...Why? Becuase it works.) "Well, what do you do at a Forge Spectacular?" Well, after starting the party, we go into a special canvas of a map, and we have two forging teams. These teams compete to create a better base then the other team, so as to gain an advantage in the match that follows. If you have a much better base, you have a much better chance to win. In the past we have done sessions on Foundry, Rats Nest, and Standoff. "Awesome! Can I make a trap where the other guys go in a teleporter, then die instantly?" Sorry, No. To keep this match fair for everyone, and to keep the map fun to play on, we have certain group leaders, named Monitors. These Monitors check the map afterwards to make sure it follows the rules and requirements. If it does not, they will fill in for the forgers, placing anything that needs to be there. These rules can be found here. "How do I know if I'm in?" A roster will be posted later on, a few days before the Forge Spectacular will start. The amount of parties is determined on the amount of people signing up. Generally, you should know if you signed up right, and on time, and you will know if you got in. People allready placed on the Artificers Forge Spectacular friend list will be considered on the overflow/standby list, unless they have posted a sign up. This brings me to my next issue. "How do I get in the party?" You will be given a friend request and game invite from the party leaders. If you do not accept either, you will miss your chance at getting inside, so please make sure that your friend list isn't completely full. The parties are very small, holding at max 8 players, because of the Bungie-set limits at how many players can forge at the same time. If you are not there to accept the invite, you will be put on the overflow list, and another player may take your spot. "What do we do when the Monitor-whatevers' are checking the map?" This is where a third of the fun is. We will have a party leader set up some custom games in between the main featured matches. These custom games last around 10-20 minutes long, and will usually not end prematurely unless we are running out of time. "Isn't this the same thing as forgehub's TGIF?" No. It is very similar and derives from the same idea of a game night where the community gets together to have fun, but that is the similarity. The Forge Spectacular is more Forging-Oriented, and give the players the opportunity to make their own maps, and to see how their decisions while forging affect the gameplay. I myself can say that this is a very cool feature, and it can be very fun seeing how many different things you could of done, or how many things you did perfect. Enough talk, sign up! I hope to see you all at the Forge Spectacular Number 6. "Wait a second! Whatever happened to the FS#5 Recap!" ... Mhmm... We're sorry to say this, but because none of the Artificers had a film saved of Spectacular 5, there will be no recap for it. This will not happen again, so don't worry about it.