The first moments of our Forge Spectacular were Internet connection gave out forcing us to restart the game. I was forced to sit out the first game and the first forge, feverishly pacing around my room. When it came time for the monitors to clean up the map G043R invited me i9n. I promptly unplugged everything from my laptop to the toaster trying to get more bandwidth. The moment of truth came. Would my connection hold up? EPIC WIN! my connection kicked Ohh teh noes! and it was win after epic win the rest of the night. However there were two major fails, the spawns were placed incorrectly my me on foundry, and I was forced to remove a player from the party. Other than these the night went of with only a few hitches, such as the lack of good custom games or the epic fail on rat's nest. The next FS will take place at the same time this Friday. However there will be some major updates. The first and probably largest: we will be allowing players to submit maps for the in-between custom games. A new post will be made for that shortly. Players will be placing their own spawns: we will allow the players to place their pwn spawns. each team must place at least 15 spawn points, the Monitors will take care of the respawn zones Players will be placing their own flags: Monitors will take care of the team alignment. Rats nest is gone, out, removed. we will be forging for 30 minutes, with the last 10 devoted to spawns and weapons. We may be running two parties, if we do well need 3 more Monitors. Post your Forge Spectacular #2 Sign ups, and any comment about the last below. you can find h3artificers Here and teh original post Here
Hey ferretness i believe ive played with you before once... Gamertag: Duderdas H3Artificer username: Duderdas Do you have Heroic DLC?: Yes Age: 16 Timezone: regular? Do you have a mic?: Yes Are you attending the whole event?: Yes With regards to the in between maps I made Crystal Catalyst which Go4r and zero fox will vouch as an amazing infection map.
For those of you who missed the first one, here is the post: So were going to have our first Forge Spectacular this Saturday (April 5th) from 8:00 EST to 10:00 EST. This will be a great chance to improve your forging skills, learn new techniques from senior forgers, and all around have a great time. In this Forge Spectacular the games will be simple. There will be two teams, each team will construct a base using only half of the map (we will attempt to use all three Heroic maps). Then after the allotted time (most likely 5 to 10 minutes) one of the Monitors will save the map. After this, the party will play a pre-selected map, while a few of the Monitors place spawns and objectives through-out the user created map. Then after the second game is over the party will play the map made previously. The cycle will then repeat: Build, play pre-selected, play user-created. These maps must be built with CTF play in mind. Two senior members will deal with spawn and objective placements Forge Session: -You may NOT delete, move, or create any objects on the other teams side -You may NOT use over half of any of the objects -You may NOT place spawns or spawn zones. -You MAY delete objects thrown onto your side via man cannon or an object that is thrown across by a monitor -You may only start a new round with the consensus of BOTH teams (A new round will be automatically started aproximatally every minute) Note: Monitors will hand out warning and kicks on a 3 strikes system (warn, warn, warn, kick) reading this post counts as your first warning. Simply becuase a rule is not outlined above does not mean that it does not apply. Please use your good judgment and common sense as to what will and will not be allowed, Monitors will have the right to warn and boot as they see fit, based on any problem that occurs during the events. Gameplay: -The game will play like a normal CTF map, with all of the spawns and objectives placed by the Monitors. -The Monitors choice must be unbiased and completely fair. -The Monitors may not move, delete, or in any way change any of the objects placed by the users unless that object violates a rule and or will subtract from overall gameplay (i.e Teleporter traps, fusion coil chambers) -Monitors will consist of only staff. For this Forge Spectacular, we will only have one party, consisting of 10 members, as It is a test run. All future Forge Spectaculars will consist of multiple parties. In order to sign up you must complete the form below. Gamertag: H3Artificer username: Do you have Heroic DLC?: Age: Timezone: Do you have a mic?: Are you attending the whole event?: Hope you have fun and Happy forging =] Note this is a test run, expect rules to be changed on the fly by the discretion of the Monitors. We will be using this as a chance to work out the kinks in the system for further Forge Spectaculars. -Ferretness Update!: You will receive a FR from H3Artificer before Saturday. This will act like the "ForgeHub" account does, and will be cleared before every Fore Spectacular. Edit: Restricted Weapons (per team) - You may have 1 of any close rang offensive Sword Gravity Hammer Shotgun You may have 2 long range offensive - Rockets Sniper Beam Rifle Equipment - [ 3 ] Total, any equipment except Only [ 1 ] Bubble shield Power ups - [ 1 ] of any power up Vehicals Any vehical exept [ 0 ] Wraith [ 0 ] Banshee [ 0 ] Tank Exeptions NO MISSLE PODS ONLY 2 FLAME GRENADES
Gamertag:kayaman132 H3Artificer username:i don't have one, i don't know if that will be a problem. Do you have Heroic DLC?:Yes Age:14 Timezone:-10GMT Hawai'i Time Do you have a mic?:yes Are you attending the whole event?:yes
once again this is all done in EST not GMT. make note of that. If you haven't joined the site I would highly suggest doing so but it is not necessary yet, you can still participate.
EST is is currently 6 hours ahead of Hawai'i time, so 8:00-10:00 pm EST = 2:00-4:00 pm Hawai'i time. not midnight. why does no one seem to understand timezones, i mean it's simply. the farther east you are, the farther in the future you are. the farther west you are, the farther in the past you are.
Hm? I guess I counted wrong then. I thought EST was +4 hours GMT. And we're -10 hours... Oh. Whoops. Well, I have something to do on both Fridays and Saturdays 2-4 PM. It's called work, ever heard of it?
GT: iversonrocks03 heroic dlc: yes timezone : est do I have a mic: yes will I be attending the whole event: yes/ most likely halo3 articifier name: iversonrocks03 age: 16 Last time was greatfun and thistimeshould be even better
im in chicago, and I think it's then 7-9. Can you maybe reserve a space for me and if im not on like an hour prior, then I won't be on for it. Sorry my schedule changes A LOT
Sounds interesting, I'd like to sign up if there are any spots left. Gamertag:Gravedigger5454 Halo3Artificer Name:Sorry, I don't know what that is Do you have Heroic DLC?:Yes Age:17 Timezone: Eastern Do you have a mic?:yes Are you attending the whole event?:yes
Gamertag: bnasty574 H3Artificer username: the Do you have Heroic DLC?: Yes Age: 14 Timezone: DLS Easter Do you have a mic?: Yes Are you attending the whole event?: Yes sorry about last week, girls > Halo but i'm totally down for this week sounds like fun