My idea resolves around the game Left 4 Dead. The whole project will be around 5-8 different levels to play in order to make a campaign like feeling.The first level will be short and show you what is to come in the campaign. Please read this to find out more. LEVEL LIST 1:Alleyways 2:Street Smarts 3:Assembly Lines 4:Apartments 5:Industrial 6:Hospital 7:Subways 8:Rooftop These are the levels in order. Gameplay Gameplay will be very much like Left 4 Dead. Humans will have very high gravity with less weapon damage, making it harder to kill zombies. Zombies will also have low hit damage making around 4-5 slashes to actually kill a human. Humans shields will not recharge unless you make it a med kit. Weapons are low ammo and there will be various armories and weapons scattered around the maps. Sometimes there will be barricades and you have to wait for a certain time for them to open. There will be various pallets laying by doors to blockade them and slow zombie movement. Boss Zombie The Boss Zombie is a zombie with some extra abilities. Take the first levels Boss zombie The Hunter. It has poor camo, black color, and lower gravity than regular zombies, not to mention more health and damage. The Hunter's main attack is the pounce. The Hunter will crouch at a high place, and jump in mid-air letting out a loud scream, it will land by humans and continually slash them until death. Each level will have it's own boss zombie and each one will have it's unique ways. Weapons Like I said before weapons will be very low ammo and not many. Here are a list of weapons that will appear in the campaign. .75 Caliber(Magnum) Hunting Rifle(Battle Rifle) M4 Carbine(Assault Rifle) M21 Sniper(Sniper Rifle) MP5(SMG) Pipebomb(Frag) Molotov(FireBomb) Chaingun(Turret) Shotgun(Shotgun...) STORY Infection has spread throughout the city of Brooklyn, New York. Over the week the world has gone into hell. Turning humans into cannibalistic maniacs who stop at nothing to get fresh flesh. Only 4 survivors are left. They must make there way through the infested city to the rooftop of Mercy Hospital in order to get out of there. The only thing stopping them is a few THOUSAND zombies. They make their way to the nearest safe house to keep safe. The Bloody Mist Campaign will offer alot of fun and laughs for many to enjoy. GAMETYPE SETUP HUMANS Damage Resistance: 300% Shields: Normal Recharge:None Damage Modifier: 110% Weapon: Magnum Speed: 90% Gravity: 150% Vehicle Use: Nope Sensors: OFF Color: White ZOMBIES Damage Resistance: 90% Recharge: NOPE Damage Modifier: 50% Speed: 110% Gravity: 75% Color: Zombie HUNTER Damage Resistance: 300% Damage: 200% Gravity: 50% Speed: 110% Boss Zombie Appearances(In Order) 1:Hunter 2:Stalker 3readnaut 4:Tank 5:Maniac 6:Hammerzeit 7:Cloaker 8estroyer HUNTER The Hunter is the first Boss Infected encountered throughout the Bloody Mist Campaign. Hunters were infected with special mutations due to bloodtype. Hunters are partially invisible and can be seen waiting to jump any survivor in high spots. Try to assasinate the Hunter for a quick pick off. HAMMERZEIT The Hammerzeit is capable of throwing survivors with its powerful tentacle. Hammerzeits have lower health but tremendous strength. The signature tentacle sound can be heard warning you of a HammerZeit approaching. STALKER Stalkers are true to their name. Fast, agile, and great jumping strength. Stalkers are the type who usually try and come from behind. Walking behind survivors until the time is correct to strike. Listen for extra footsteps and ALWAYS watch your back! TANK The Tank is a ginormous Infected with strength twice as any other Boss Infected. Tanks have high health as well making them one of the best around. If you spot a tank, use the rocket launcher provided in that level to take it down. If it decides to chase you, keep walking back and try not to get into a corner. MANIAC Maniacs are crazy, anger filled infected with nothing in their minds but ripping apart the living flesh. Maniacs can be often be found hiding in small places or even on rooftops or catwalks. Keep in mind of the power that the Maniac has. It's Howl can also attract other infected. Watch what you do! DREADNAUT Dreatnauts are big, slow moving zombies. They have a ripped off Turret from an Army Vehicle which it destoryed. Dreadnauts power without the Turret is also bad. Large amounts of Health and Damage make it a force to be rekoned with. Use team work to take it down. Dreadnauts can usually be spotted patrolling down narrow hallways or sub-way stations. CLOAKER The Cloaker is one of the most annoying Boss Infected out there. It will go above the survivors and drop a very big cloud of smoke on them causing confusion and blindness for about 5-12 seconds. Try to get out of the cloud to stay alive, being in the cloud can result in death by zombie.. DESTROYER Destroyers are gigantic monsters with decent strength and large health. Destroyers have tentacles and claws allowing pouncing and slashes. The Destroyer, like the Hunter, can leap off of high spots to pin an unsuspecting person. Stay on higher ground to prevent death.
BLOODY MIST Beta The Bloody Mist Beta will contain the first 3 levels of the full campaign. These are the beta levels so they won't look as good as the final ones will... The 3 boss zombies introduced to the player are the following in order: 1st level: Hunter 2nd level: Stalker 3rd level: Dreadnaut. Hunter: The 1st level consists of many high jumping spots to get a good and powerful pounce on the survivors... Stalker: The 2nd level is full of streets and hiding spots...Perfect for a stalker to stalk it's prey. Dreadnaut: A warehouse full of choke points. Dreadnauts are very powerful and heavy. Use the chokepoints to your advantage... In order to take part in the beta, you will recieve a code from me pm here or an xbox live. You will come to my party and tell me the code.. I will recommend the gametypes and levels to you for download. I will only give this opportunity to people I know that wont take it and show it to non-beta people. PM me to be in the beta(I will message you back if it's a yes.)
Sounds cool, however I think you're making some parts too complex. There's just no way for you to have 8 different types of zombies. I can see you got a lot of inspiration from (Manifest) Help's on the way, right? I recommend using some ideas from this, but not to the point where you are just blatantly copying, ie: DREADNAUT Dreatnauts are big, slow moving zombies. They have a ripped off Turret from an Army Vehicle which it destoryed. Dreadnauts power without the Turret is also bad. Large amounts of Health and Damage make it a force to be rekoned with. Use team work to take it down. Dreadnauts can usually be spotted patrolling down narrow hallways or sub-way stations. Yeah don't just steal from other maps. I wish you good luck on creating 8 zombie maps. I would lose attention by the 3rd... Don't double post either, unless you are reserving it.
Please dont write in all those obnoxious colors, it distracts from the reader, use colors in a smart way to attract attention, not cause blindness with the neon. Also please stay away from the color white. Its like white crayons. When you use white crayons on white paper you, well, you cant read it. duh.
Sad face k.... I am not meaning to steal the Dreadnaut from Manifest. I just have the name and will probably switch what it does. I had to go when I was typing it down so I had to think of something quick. Yes I did get a little from Manifest. But this will be it's own thing. Take for example the teleporters in manifest. It won't be like that in Bloody Mist, survivors have to wait about 10 seconds for the safe room to open and start their journey, giving the quick moving infected time to set up ambushes and attacks. This will be very fun and I am looking foward to it.
This would be a wierd map pack, but I see how each of the 8 levels can be it's own map on foundry. However I would wait until the Mythic maps come out. I recommend doing this on sandbox, or remaking it on sandbox if you already plan on doing this on foundry. The game you've described needs a relatively large level, something foundry is very difficult to achieve (unless you forge it right). Plus, if you do this on sandbox, you should be able to fit all 8 levels into one map, if the map is as big as current information says it is. On another note, I like your good number of boss zombies. However, the classes aren't too varied, and some classes seem like a completely superior form of another or a fusion of the other classes (ex. Hunter + Hammerzeit + Stalker = Destoyer). Seriously the Destroyer sounds COMPLETELY overpowered. But it's a good idea, one that would be great to have spawn in at the end of each level, sort of like a last resort zombie to prevent the humans from winning.
Its not really a map pack. And yes the first 3 or 4 level will appear on Foundry. I will save the other 4 for the use of Sandbox. The whole thing won't be done until May-June(Includes Planning, Forging, Testing, Bug Fixes, Gameplay Balance, Boss Zombie Designing, Gametype Making, Trailer Video, and then the Intitial Release) Destroyer will not be over powered because there will be many things to take it down with. Hunter, Hammerzeit, and Stalkers are there own thing. Each Boss Infected has it's own thing.