hey im new to FH and i need help with this map idea i had its a competetive map so if ya want send me a Friend Request my GT is ElementaLegend srry if this is in wrong place idk mods plz move if it is
Yeah this should be in forge discussion.. look around at all the forums and it should be pretty obvious where things like this go. anyways, if you want help making a map, join my group the stormers. we help each other make maps.. you will probably end up forging with a partner, and also add me in XBL if i dont add you first. do you play magic: the gathering?
hey i'm willing to help. send me a FR on live. my GT is JASONYO. and remember to say wut u want to do cuz ill have no clue who u r unless u say
Just look at forging 101. Thats what i did and now im a magnificent interlocker. But i asked for some help with geomerging.
i can do both of those things pretty well. so just send a friend request and ill try to catch u sometime to show u how
yah Jasonyo i sent one to ya and im not saying im bad at interlocking im saying its good to have at least 2 ppl with the same talents