Come here to name off some items that you would like to be seen inside the Forge Pallete for Halo3. MY LIST: HEV Drop Pod( Able to be entered, when it comes in contact with ground the cover blows off) Skull( I like to put my own "hidden" objects in the maps that I create) Latch,Single- Holds onto one HEV Drop Pod Latch, Double- Holds onto 2 HEV Drop Pods Latch,Quad- Holds up to 4 HEV Drop Pods More Light Quantity Light, White Light, Green Light, Yellow Light, Purple Anti-Air Wraith More Hornet and Banshee Quantity Trip Mine( Scenery, explodes on contact) Troop Hog Machine Door( Opens and closes) Grass Tile,Small Grass Tile, Medium Grass Tile, Large Grass Tile, Huge Elevator, 2 Floor Elevator, 3 Floor Warthog, Destroyed Mongoose, Destroyed Scorpion, Destroyed Pelican, Destroyed I WILL BE ADDING ON MORE AS I THINK OF THEM
-Real fauna -Custom scenery creator -Covenant infantry -flames -ODST's -Updated forge list on pre-DLC maps.
scenry such as: Bushes Trees Water Escalator A wide open map with flat surface (Sort of like sandbox but better) And I really like the elevator idea even though it would ruin gameplay. Different sounds you can make during gameplay would be interesting too.
Yea for competitive maps the elevator would probably ruin gameplay, It would be awesome for something like a L4D map or an Aesthetic Map.
It would be fun to add to an astentic building. But this could work for gameplay for 1 flag maybe. It would be instense becasue right when you hear the ding and it opens and everyone started shooting everywhere. It would also work for like the game called city where there are 2 cops and the rest are people which is acually really funny with some friends.
Okay, for water. I love that. Water like Siera 117 wher eyou can go like 10 feet deep? Or instdeath water?
Elevators Tunnels (that can be placed underground and have access holes) Access holes Cars Buildings Patches of fire Patches of grass Patches of rock Water Boulders Trees Towers Antennae Etc.
Well I think it would be cool to have an option wheather or not you want and object to be immovable or not. Also: - A statue or the master chief. This would be great in infection, not knowing if theyre a statue or not - Open close door - This is a bit far fetched but I think it would be cool to have a hug block. Im talking the size of a map. And thenhave a tool that can carve away at that block. Then have a spray paint tool that you spray the terrain with. - An option on block where you can auto merge then make the object cut through anything. Im talking making it so you can make a tunnel through the sand dunes - Lastly a custom object where it had point on all of the corners of the block where you can move it where ever. Nice thread BTW. Hopefully we can get some great ideas that bungie will adopt in reach Edit: I just throught it would be really cool it there was a map that was just a hollow rectangle where before you begin forging it asks you what dimensions you want. This would mean you wouldnt have to waste objects making walls and roofs EDIT(again): I just throught it would be really cool if they had water and lava and a setting so you could make it rise at different rates Sorry I just relized I miss read the thread I thought you meant forge objects for reach
This might sound stupid but maybe flooring? Like instead of always using just walls and grass, you could use like tiling or something idk. And I would also like: Automatic Door Ladders (How sick would that be, a little COD twist to the game) Draw Bridge Other effects (Like cracked windows, blood splatters, puddles, etc.)
I Would Definatly Like... -Zombies!!! -Elevators -Michael Jackson Dancers -Michael Jackson -Moving Platforms -The Ability to Color any object Pink -Skyscrapers -Lava -Doors -AND FINALLY Televisions LOL
Dead elite bodies, dead spartan bodies, dead brute bodies, trees, dead humans, actice camo equipment, overshield equipment, sliding door, moving platforms, light posts, shade turrets, auto mags, silenced smg, brute plasma rifle, switches, rocks... the list goes on and on...
Your original list looks good 2 me but i want 2 add 2 things shade turret and the donut sniper towers from campagne