To be honest, I thought Reach's forge struck a good balance between practicality and ease of use with depth and the ability to forge decent maps from nothing. In other words, it isn't a full map editor but it still does the job the best way that I feel is practical on a console. Obviously, there were problems with various rotation and translation glitches and issues, pieces having aesthetic disunity and dreaded framerate lag that was so easy to cause. If they fixed those three, plus keep the smooth lighting and lock tool. I dunno what else to ask for. We aren't getting an editor. We shouldn't get an editor. What else is required to fulfill the role forging is used for? Perhaps a group copy, or something of the sort, but past that I can't really think of many practical additions and overhauls that should be made aside from ironing out minor issues and adding more variety and streamlining functions such as the highlight on selected objects and various pallets. If they fixed all of the problems in Reach, I'm sold already. If not, boo. I'd seriously consider making Halo 4 a rental because not much else on the fundamental level has the potential to dazzle me at this point in the Halo 4 information reveal.
Does anyone notice that there was no vegetation on the map? Maybe we will get the possibility to create trees. So we could find vegetation objects in the scenery rubric.
There was some limited vegetation you could place in the DLC (a tree?) so I think that is a hint that they've at least recognized the lack of natural objects in the palette. Also, that map doesn't look final to me.
My post got quote dissected. My point is obviously invalid. Yes I was telling people how to play the game, I said that if you play halo for anything other than having fun with friends and community then you are doing it wrong. Is that wrong somehow? So people play the game.. without the intent of having fun... with friends and/or the community. Not having fun on the game... Good for you. That's the only bit I took offence to, the rest of your post had very good points and I agree that Bungie has adapted the game to fit different criteria, which is why they will not make a full editor as this would not appeal to the casual majority.
Has anyone noticed the 1,000,000 budget in the video? Do you thinks this is temporary or will be in the final build? It is possible considering advances in rendering since Halo Reach's release/
It's been widely noticed, yeah. Most of what I've read is people assuming that it's real, but I'm in the "wait and see" camp. Could very easily be a random huge number put into the dev build of the game just for demo purposes.
ok dude you need to calm the hell down. we are saying that more customization in the maps core elements would allow for more in-depth map development, and you could create those maps like High Ground where the preset terrain gets in the way. how could you think thats not what we need in halo?
A terrain builder would be nice but it would be pretty heavy on the net and engine. We can't even "undo edit" with this game yet due to networking issues. Something I would like to see is opening up the "game options" completely. Bungie failed at letting us cross integrate things they made in "insane gametype", "invasion", "infection", etc. I would like the possibility of having all of the game options available to all gametypes (ie. using 'invasion' spawning and player progression settings in an 'infection' gametype). Or how about making things "team specific" that were denied to us in the past? I hope the trait zones, soft kill area boundaries, etc. can be made "team specific". It would also be nice to make objects "invisible" in game so we could set cleaner perameters around our maps. It would also make our 'one way shield' lifts look a lot cleaner too and less for the map to render.
I'd rather see the game based on vectors, so we could infinitely expand an objects dimensions. Obviously this would cause natural looking objects to look stretched. The color pallete should be minimalistic and objects should actually change colors. None of this pattern crap. Obviously Forge is pretty much a direct port from Halo Reach with a few added improvements. Nothing innovative and nothing to get excited about.
It would be cool if there was a kill wall to go along with the kill ball. Mainly because it rhymes, but also because it may be useful in certain situations
The stairs were added to existing items from Reach. I'm pretty sure there were a couple new items, but I'm not entirely sure... I made a list of all the items I recognized and posted it somewhere...
I'm pretty sure that they have said (or at least I think it's safe to assume so far) that most if not all Forge World items are coming back with new skins. The only new item I've heard about is a mega wall bigger then any in reach but I don't know the source.