You really need to elaborate before I can help you. Is sniper town a gametype or something. I will help if I could understand.
Oh. Tower makes more sense. Please don't do a duck hunt or anything. When starting with something like this you should try for some good vertical gameplay. Make sure you have at least 2 exits to this tower and don't put the sniper there unless you are sure it will help gameplay. Have a relatively flat floor with some cover to dodge sniper fire. Don't give the sniper tower too broad of a view cause it will become overpowered. You could change the windows to sniper slits and that would give you more options. If so you could make an inverted symmetrical map with a tower in one corner and another in the corner diagonal from it. Then build the rest of your map using the same design. You don't see many inverted symmetrical maps so you have a huge advantage in originality. Also Gameplay tends to be interesting. it is balanced too. That is a large step toward getting it featured if you ask me.
yeah but, i kind of forget how i made it i was fooling around., and plus im an amature forger, i dont know what inverted and **** meens.. think you could help me with it? like copy the other tower for me?
I don't know. I gotta go on spring break for a week. Inverted means that you could rotate the map from the center and it would all line up. An S is inverted. Project S is inverted.