Forge Idea for BT CTF

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DystryR, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. DystryR

    DystryR Forerunner

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    For my first Halo: Reach forge map i wanted to accomplish something big. big literally, and figuratively. i wanted to create an invasion map using different elements of Forge World. but after reading forum posts and articles and realized that it was too daunting of a task, at least until i forge out a few maps first. ( as well as actually win some invasion games)

    im here to run my ideas thru the community, and see how the theory sounds to others) im welcoming all feed back, but currently the map is still under basic construction, so no pics nor beta maps at the moment

    so here is what i decided to do; a Big Team Capture the flag. i am a fan of offense vs Defense, so i went with 1 flag.
    what i am envisioning: use parts of Forge Worlds' Paradiso(spl?) and hemorrhage.

    -the 'southern' part of Paradiso as the defenders spawn/base
    -the water bridge and cave that are normally not used in maps is the entryway to the defenders base
    -the closer part of hemorrhage as the offense spawn/base

    defense; is dug in, with a lot of opportunity for attacking incoming enemies. a lot of heavy/power weapons. and at least 1 warthog (maybe a second) to retrieve the stolen flag, one main entrance and the other water bridge is a secondary access, for flanking.

    offense; little/no cover (not needed, considering the amount of 'natural' aesthetics i/e the natural rock face towards the ocean. a large amount of vehicles. probably no mongooses. at least 3 warthogs, or revanants. one scorpion. 1 rocket and one sniper. otherwise DMRs (which will probably be basic load-out anyway)

    it would take more than one player and the tank to overcome the defenders, the cave leaves little cover for the scorpion unless the the team can provide cover/distractions the scorpion wont make it. thwarting offense's biggest asset. (probably set to 5 min respawn. even considering having NO respawn, making the tank even more valuable, and make the team think about jumping in immediately)

    no wraiths, the mortar like fire is useless for the most part. and considering one falcon, maybe 1 banshee (one or the other) and obviously use kill zones to keep the flier from being over powered.

    some things i am wondering; for a map of this scale, would it be wise to mix 'natural' and building elements? ive been using rocks as boundaries as well as fortifications. should i even worry about cosmetic aesthetics?

    thanks for reading, opinions and comments.
    pics, and map beta's will be posted as available.

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