I dont really understand how you Rank up here. Is it by how many posts you have? Your Rep? I mean what is it? Cause I see I am a UNSC Trainee and I have my bars filled up under my name but what do the bars do? So can someone please explain how Forge Hubs Ranking system works? Cause earlier today I had 2 bars under my name now why do I have 4?
Oh now I am a UNSC Graduate but I still dont get it. So I know now your bars affect your rank. Its like EXP.
Please search before making a topic. Also, don't double post. Also, site-related questions should generally go into the Customer Service section.
Whatahelp you are nemi >_< jk lol the more posts you have the higher your bars go, and once you fill it up and go one more you advande to the next "lvl" you can call it but dont SPAM! lol
*Locked* This should have been a while ago...But meh, no biggie, just gotta hand out another infraction for necro-ing.