Watch the blogs for news you will not hear anywhere else. Sometimes from inside the fortress of the Staff forum.
Omg how much did it cost!? EDIT to minimise off-topic: It cost us in blood and broken steel - we took it from our enemies and cast them down from its jagged peaks.
It looks really cold, how do you guys keep yourselves warm? But wait, there's a staff forum? Is that where you discuss how stupid normal members are? And why am i asking so many questions?
Meh... Not too bad, I suppose. But still, I mean, it just seems a little shabby. I at least you have a moat, but where are the AA batteries? Or the ICBM silos? Get with the times. Moats are so passe. And when was the last time you painted? Or even cleared the walkway? I mean, the ice and snow is everywhere. Even a place as small as this needs a fair amount of upkeep. And don't even get me started on the location. I don't see anything near it. I don't want to drive 10 miles to go to the supermarket. I suppose it does have sort of a quaint, cozy charm, but I would have thought that you guys would have been able to do better.