i really doubt that all breaks and i havent even started on vehicle jumps and long jumps and possible edge ghosts(not dealing with the vehicle). also i didnt even go for the use of the oversheild. and i am working on a rubble jump that will probably break the map.
you can stop trying to break the map now, like I asked. Ill let you know when we're ready for you guys to have at it again.
ok guys, i think ive fixed all the breaks that were shown to me, and had to sacrifice very little in the process thankfully. please try and break this map ("Helvetica ub?" is on my fileshare, but the link has not been updated in the original FH map thread, and only will be once its unbreakable).
Am I allowed to break maps, even if I haven't been officially accepted into the group yet? I broke both of those..I will put up a video.. I sent a FR to Breakers Guild, and I don't know where to get the Test Map..so, yea..give me a heads up when I can be officially in it! Thanks ~Myztic
i know the box in the corner isn't spawning at start, and the window panel spot by that box has been fixed. currently working on fixes for 2 more breaks. ill edit back with another link in the next day or so
are you serious! i just broke the place by the window panel andi was going to be happy that win at breaking maps :C. whatever its a nice map and i really like it. eventhough its breakable
Lights before you put ou the new link try to fix my new breaks 1-get ghost take it to attackers base get on ghost and there is a box that sticks out and you can walk on the ledge and then you can jump onto the bridge. 2-get ghost take it to attackers base then go to the br spawn and jump on ghost and grenade ghost jump onto the bridge. 3-basically i used the power drain to do a bunch of power drain jumps out. And i would first grenade jump then power drain jump up to places. So i would take out power drain. 4-if you go to the attackers base the fence wall that is up on the b0xes not the one covering window panels and jump onto it then long jump off of it to the bridge that is over the turret. 5-get the ghost onto the wall floor thing in the middle of the map and then go to the corner walls that are closest to the defenders base and then grenade ghost jump off the ghost and jump off the little ledge and land on the walk way ledge thing on the wall of foundry Thats all i have right now i might find more with the new version that is coming up
Me and Blaze have a challenge for you. High Voltage and its coming out next Sunday. ou better rest, your going to need it.
Recent Breaks Map Name: Helvetica UB Created By:LIGHTSOUT225 Broken by:[KJI Myztic XO] Number of exits:2 Possibility of escape during game:Very possible Film location: [Youtube] The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: 1st Broken Map The # (featured) of maps you have broken: None Map Name: Poison Ivy Created By:extreme96 Broken by:[KJI Myztic XO] Number of exits:2 Possibility of escape during game: Very likely Film location: [Youtube] The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: 2nd Broken Map The # (featured) of maps you have broken: None Map Name: Little Schloss Created By: KFirejumper Broken by:[KJI Myztic XO] Number of exits:1 Possibility of escape during game: Not likely Film location: [Youtube] The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: 2rd Broken Map The # (featured) of maps you have broken: None Map Name: Sub-station B Created By: TexturedSun Broken by:[KJI Myztic XO] Number of exits:1 Possibility of escape during game: Not likely Film location: [Youtube] The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: 3rd Broken Map The # (featured) of maps you have broken: 1st Broken Map
Recently Broken Map Name: Waterfall v3 Created By: halo3rockstar Broken by:[KJI Myztic XO] Number of exits:1 Possibility of escape during game: I doubt it, considering its out in the open. Film location: [Youtube] The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: 4th Broken Map The # (featured) of maps you have broken: 1 Map Name: Sliced Created By: DEP Assassin Broken by:[KJI Myztic XO] Number of exits:2 Possibility of escape during game: Probably..but, they ARE out in the open..but they are pretty easy to do as well. Film location: [Youtube] The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: 5th Broken Map The # (featured) of maps you have broken: 1