Yeah, why don't we just require that everyone has to do their own films? Here are couple of tutorials to do that: New Way to get vids to Youtube (No Capture Card!) Can't download gamevee video to your PC? No problem. Of course everyone can't do vids for themselves because of various reasons, but then those could be the only ones to cap by Guild's capturers.
Hahaha, chill out. Nah, I'm not taking it that seriously, I was just curious. I'm just doing this for fun...Jeeesus.... Take a chill pilll....mmmmkay?
Im on it Lighsout, I'll edit this post with a y/n answer, if not a video as well.... yes, you can break out, and here is the video..
I fixed that break just now, and have updated the DL link. If someone can please see if its breakable in other ways, I'd appreciate it. here's the new link
You guys would break Code Impulse. I am posting a v2 shortly. Don't ask me when. If Drakulich is doing it than I guess I will too. Count me in!
The code impulse I broke was FROM the v2...the one I helped on, remember? @lightsout too tired to do another break and upload it...sorry.... maybe someone else will just tell you a yes or no answer whether you still can....
no worries. it neither has to be you, nor tonight. But we're planning on submitting this to matchmaking, and it needs to be 100% unbreakable. Only problem is that Creep and I suck at breaking maps.
to tell you the truth, I am going to vouch for Sage to break your map in every way possible...he is definetely a breaking god...just shoot him a message, he will find at least a break or two more than me....
why thank you drack and i will try to break it then ill send the vids to you lights EDIT: not to be cocky or anything
i broke helvetica in three ways. 1st way- sent that vid to Lights but you grenade jump from that flashy light thing against the wall lined up with the fence thing on the floor and grenade jump from there onto the bridge thing. 2nd way- Get the rocket launcher and go to the lift jump onto the wall and then look half way down the side of the corner wall to your right and rocket jump side ways over the window panel onto the crane drop down to the lower section then grenade jump to the box wall. 3rd way- grab the ghost and drive it to the lift go up the lift then drive it towards the red befenders base and on the right there are some boxes that are part of the wall drive the ghost to there and do some damage to it. Then get on it then drop a plasma on it then jump at the right time and you'll get on the box wall. I have a fourth way in the works. if you can do it yourself then high five but i dont have time. Just go to the attackers mongoose spawn jump on that box plasma jump onto the double boxes. Then curve grenade jump onto the other double boxes. I have only gotten to the first grenade jump. If you can do it before me you can have it count for yours.
thanks guys, Creep and I will work on fixing these then get back to you. no further breaks are necessary at this time (BTW i know of 2 more possible breaks ya'll missed)
Aww c'mon jk. Also I will take a look after you make the updated one. Or actually we could have multiple people try to do it. And are you worried about buddy jumping?
im worried about it being breakable in any way. like i said, we're looking into submitting it to atlas for possible matchmaking chances. if its breakable, its a no-go. im gonna work on it tonight, but it may require some major geometry changes, as we are both completely out of money and at the item limit
lightsout thats too bad you are out of budget and items. also i bet i could find the 2 ways to break it that no one else can you just wait and see
that was just a quick look through ill do an indept search tonight and get back to you im bettin on 2 or 3 more breaks.