Actually, it's possible to get out if you damage the barriers in the main gate with a grenade onto a fusion coil. Granted, doing all of that in game is very unlikely, and there's no real benefit to breaking out. I'd say you're safe with that configuration.
lol that's what I meant by if something disappears,like if you keep hitting something until it must re spawn . But yeah it is impossible in a game.
Thanks for testing it, guys. I'm still gonna work on it some more, I think the teleporters could be a little better. Thanks for letting me know.
I need a break test guys. I have Constrictor v2 in the 19th slot of my file share. I have rebuilt it to allow roof access, but not allow any advantages during objective games. I am fairly sure it is unbreakable, so have at it because I want to submit it to ATLAS since I also got it under budget.
I still have not received a message from an officer. I broke four of the ForgeHub Bungie Favorites maps in about 15 minutes.
Hi I want to sign up I'm 15 and my GT is BioMetal I broke like half those maps by myself, and I noticed you didnt' have Grindstone on the list. Its really easy to break, If I can get a filmer to record it I'll do it for you guys Q(-.-Q)
I'm making a map that to my knowledge is good, but after so long, im just getting bored with it and want to finish it up. Can you guys help me find escape routes, and help me fix them, because this map is killing me... GT: Given to Fly 93 Map: Vagabond Time: Thursday Dec. 25th - 2:00 pm Central USA time I understand its Christmas, but it'd really help if you guys could get these break spots uncovered, because this map is draining me out... The maps not completed yet, but will be very soon. I'm not putting it on my Fileshare for the hungry map thieves, so you'll have to join my game. thanks for listening... ~ PJ
If you'd be willing to post it in your file share just long enough for me to download it I can attempt a break. PM me if you're going to.
so sorry, but that made me lol. cause theres so many people lurkin PJfan's fileshare lookin for maps to steal.. lol.
Wow good job Deathtoll, this really took off. If you haven't already, please take me off the list of staff. I'm not into Halo anymore. Good luck! -Warfang
I need to go up in points or stars or whatever cuz i have broken 3 or 4 maps depending on if you count devinishes which we discussed else where
Please Respond I realize that your are and epic breaker, the reason that this has not been active is because I might need to change the whole points system because I lost like all of my supervisors. That is why you points are not going up. So I ask you guys what you think I should do. 1.) Remove the point system and make it like the testers guild, you will rank up based on how active you are. You are still expected to take vids/join games or whatever. 2.) Hire more staff. I will most likely do this no matter what happens. 3.) keep the current system
I think you should make it like the Tester's Guild. That way if someone was at one point really active and broke a lot of maps but no longer is, they can lose ranks and such.