Welcome To The Forgehub Map Breakers.(application information at the bottom of this thread) Subscribe to BreakersGuild, ThKn1ght or leptir1's youtube channel for more breaks If you have recently posted a map, check back here every once in a while to see what improvements you can make breaking wise. Mission: To help forgehub members make improvements to their maps in upcoming versions by finding all possible exits and exploits in forgehub member's maps. Your job as a map breaker will be to grenade jump, equipment jump, crouch jump or find any possible way out of the play area of the map. Non members may post there maps here to see if its breakable(see Non-member procedure.) If a member finds any map that is breakable follow the procedure for members. Procedure For Members: 1.) take a film of the escape and put it on your file share. 2.) Let one of our filmers know that you want your video uploaded.Or if you have a cap card just upload it yourself 3.) The filmer will let you know when the film has been uploaded. Then you may remove it from your files share 4.) Send the map maker a private message saying something like this "I broke your map, I am trying to help you out by doing so so you can improve in upcoming versions. The video can be found (link to this thread) 5.)Post in the forge hub map breakers thread in this format. Map Name: (include link) Created Byinclude link) Broken byinclude link to your profile) Number of exits: Possibility of escape during game: Film location: The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: (For example if this was my 5th map broken I would type 5, if you lie you will be banned) The # (featured) of maps you have broken: Non-Member Procedure: 1.) Post in this thread in this format: I want this map to be broken Link To Map: 2.) Wait for somebody to post a reply saying they will find an escape route if any. Ranks: 1 map broken: Junior Jumper 10 maps broken: Member 20 maps broken: Full Member 30 maps broken: Helpful Jumper 40 maps broken: Master Jumper 50 maps broken: Spider-Man Member(also earns supervisor status) 100 maps broken: Jumping God Rules 1.)You will get a point for each escape route you find in a map, unless it is something as obvious as a gapping crack that you can just walk through) If somebody has already found them all move on. 2.)You must escape a map in a custom game with the same items that were on the original map post. You may not add anything. Also you must use one of the correct gametypes that the map poster has specified. You must escape alone for gametypes like slayer. If the gametype is a team based game, you may use more than one person to escape the map 3.) You may post escapes in a featured map. However since its already featured you will not obtain a point to your record because there will be no more versions of the map. You will however obtain a star next to your name on the members list for every featured map you escape. Rules #1 applies to this rule. 5.)You may not post a route to any of your maps. 6.) If your a non-member and you want to post a map for a break, you may only post your own. 7.) Spawning outside of a map does NOT count as an escape. ---->Applications<---- 1.) Post your Gamertag in this thread saying "I want to apply i am _years old, my GT is:" 2.) Send a friend request to Breakers Guild on xbox. 3.) Take the test, the test is a course that you must escape in two different ways alone and you must escape a map that we give you. The supervisors will send you a game invite after you send a friend request to the Breakers Guild within a time frame of two days. If you pass then your in. 4.) Go out there and find escape routes. Current Members Name/GT-points-# of featured maps broken Moderators: DeathToll77 -11 points *** Idiotninja/Cheesepuffs96 -13 points ** Supervisors: Filmers: Jumping Gods: Spider-Man Members: Master Jumpers: Helpful jumpers(you may administer the test): Full Jumpers: sdrakulich - 21 points ****** Jumpers: zackj191 - 12 points (yeah h4xzorz) Junior Jumper(recruits): Uc Gollum tehsky is up AmercanPsycho 2 points *** Gamerguy45 - 3 points Sgt B1ggl3s Darkdragon - 4 points LaTurno11 - 5 points StreetSoccer12 - 0 points * LetalisCarbine9 - 5 points * TaruBard48 - 7 points Th Kn1ght - Retired dontknowme42 - 1 point RacoonSniper 13 - 1 point Furry - * d4psa - **** Sage - 3 points KJI Myztic - 6 points * Broken Maps: 75 Fractured kurvraqque v2.0 cyclopean se7enth column ecplise blindside Cyvision needle ball yukon canyon clockworks bolder clash bad posture clive echo v2 clockworks Repulsion v2 the ring Uranium v1 creek MLG Nightmare junk flee intimidation v3 mech v2 Temple of Atlas Z3novation treanch warfare superiation ribcage tarantula tower Graffectica surcurity check Redemption Octagon v1 Arcadia shift Horizon v2 point blank Metro v2 velocity MLG Dystopia vertebraille Headstrong v3 MLG Defiled Cyvision constricted Prey combustion Hysteria Excoriate Bastion End of the line collision Pallet Parade Sewage lines V2 Teamworks Solarena Shotside AstroTurf 1.4 Enclave v2 Tension Electric Slide Apocalypse Amalgam Epsilon Maverick Pleymo Sequence Vendetta Intrepid Skeleton Creek v 2 Grid Nuerotic Curvature Radiaial Overlook Fascade(no I am not looking up the fancy "c") Credence Constrictor Areiales NOTE**: I Am working on adding links to maps/videos Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aR-VHpDcGUhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLT58Uw8Ol4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkM_ubsqH50http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x-BUwMHDmAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_6Jbxea0bM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erhF9Cjb9VAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amYjjrxWVt0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIKkrqet_dEhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycZLqFZpxDYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV-_pPFnX80http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iUrF2qHxqshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAB1CVvga8ghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goP4YyaXMTAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=531clQUohik]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgfBPiKheCchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzWrtnd2FDchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IBwJfFtTXYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFcCcvkfi-khttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfiw8VFKCAkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTrevDz4FPYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4fRJsJH0pchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZY7QTq5dsYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IGwFMHmKLIhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2imrd5RRrWA Videos For Maps Currently Being Tested
Thanks dude! This post will be reserved for all my future videos (BTW add my name next to it...I got the vid.....) I will post them here, as well as edit my previous posts....tyvm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=531clQUohik&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=531clQUohik&fmt=18
Racoonsniper just pm me if you want to get tested to be in the guild. Also deathtoll if its is ok i will be using the new test map on racoon
I'm **** outa luck then. Also until I can rake up enough cash for a point card, I can't keep the break vidz in my file share. Is that a problem, seeing as how they've all been reviewed and points have been attained?
You dont need a cap card, all you have to do is tell one of the filmers to upload them. And I will check to see if your file share works EDIT NO YOUR FILE SHARE DOES NOT WORK. JUST GET GOLD AGAIN
No, no my fileshare is fine, that isn't what I intended in that last post. I mean I didn't have money to buy Bungie Pro which I shall once I come into 20 dollars to spend on MS points. I will follow up with returning the break vidz to my FS until I can get a filmer to upload them. This allows me to keep organized in my own sense. My current fileshare is fine. I do have gold, which I purchased a three month card about a week or so ago.
Yes that is correct, all you have to do NAO is track down one of supervisors, and they will administer the test. BTW Stealth: how did the new test map go.
Alright Th kn1ght in doing a great job with the vids. And so is drakulich keep it up guys. I ask one more thing, just add the person who broke it in the video. It does not have to be fancy like Knight's. You could just put an annotation on youtube.
Hey everyone in the guild, if you want your video filmed and on Youtube, PM me with the link to your FS video. It makes it much easier for me and I can upload it a lot faster. Include in that PM also, if you would like a song and if so which one. If you do not, I will choose one for you =p. Be sure to watch all of my videos in High Quality because they look much better in High Quality. Thanks everyone!
I don't mean to speak for the whole guild itself but it would be nice if you were a little more active on ForgeHub before you joined. Also, show us some of your breaking skills via File Share or Youtube. Thank you for your interest
ahhhhhhh c'mon i just joined i always try to break maps thats one of my things in halo 3 but never really made any videos and it just say do like tryout it doesnt say any thin else