Voting And the Nominations are... First Tracks Elysium Last Hope Cladite Dead Streets Analogue Voting ends Friday, July 8th!
Eh? The Poll was posted alongside the topic right from the start, cause I voted on it as soon as I posted it? :S Not sure if the topic posts before I'm done editing the polls though? It's up either way now though.
I like Last hope and First tracks equally so i tossed a coin for it and heads = Last hope so there's my vote good luck to all
I might have gone for Last Hope but that'll get enough votes from people at rp organizing to mess with other forums. I'm going for First Tracks. It's nice to see some invasion.
First Tracks FTW. The name always makes me think its a race map though. And I don't understand your sig, Noxy.
My vote goes for last hope. Saddo has create a BTB masterpiece and it really does deserve the spotlight.
So many choices... but I guess I'll take the non-selfish path and vote Dead Streets. It did make me need a change of pants when I first saw it, and another after I played CTF on it. Good to be back
I really like dead streets a lot, but I've voted for my own map because I have low self esteem and need some recognition
Elysium, Analogue, and First Tracks... So many great maps! So hard to choose, but First Tracks is the first invasion map I've enjoyed. Hopefully the other two come up again to vote for next time
I really enjoy the designs of each of these maps and everyone of them play pretty well. But ive never got the game I would like to have on first tracks or last hope. Im giving my vote to deadstreets as its been the map ive enjoyed most, ive seen it evolve since its release and it just progresses and is built to be very fast paced something I really love when it comes down to it. I like that this round of favorites is for the most part very unique each map is made differently and for a different style of play theres some very beautiful maps involved.
I voted for your map as well. It's one of the few community BTB maps that doesn't make me scream and pull out my own hair. Although I really do think it resembles rats nest a little too much. By the way, you need to play customs more often and invite me. You're like the only person on my FL that ever plays customs. Do it more!
As always, I appreciate the support bro! For me though, its enough of an honor just to be nominated for FHF. I mean, it would be pretty sweet to win, but I don't really expect to. In the end, I guess what matters is that I, and anyone who's played Dead Streets knows how fun and unique the map is. And there's always next month lol Hey man, its cool. Its enough to know people are out there enjoying my work. If I don't win, I sure as hell hope you do. Last hope is something unique in the BTB space, and it does deserve recognition for it. On a similar note, I eagerly anticipate your next original map Saddo.
*strokes evil beard* yes! my evil plan to get you to vote for me on a second account is working! But don't feel too bad bro, I changed my vote at the last second lol