I nominate Promethean. It is a very cool map, and I hope that it'll atleast get some attention from me nominating it.
Another nomination for Trackball by elMegapwn. And Ironyte by Oo Irony oO Also, Covenant Cruiser Silent Barbarian by Juanez Sanchez
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/113651-hydro.html Hydro is possibly one of the most outstanding maps on here. The "spitting serpents" in the middle should be enough alone to win this competition, honestly.
Knee Deep I nominate knee deep since the hubby made it and we have fun playing with friends all the time on it! Love the water! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/113989-knee-deep.html
It's the 4th... This ended on the 3rd... Shouldn't this be locked and nominations tallied up for the poll tomorrow?