Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Altar Le Muskets Pendant Relapse Serum Voting ends Sunday September 30[sup]th[/sup]. Good luck!
While I do like the looks of these maps and I think they do deserve a place, le muskets was just too fun not to vote for. I want to play Halo reach just for that gametype now, and I eagerly await it in Halo 4.
I think I'll wait on this until after I've played a game of BTB Le Muskets on Zealot. EDIT:... that fllr again.. WHAT IS IT????
No Mock. Read the manual: Must have had at least 6 months friendship with forger in order to vote for their map/GT in FHF. It doesn't matter what you like, only that they are your friend.
Tough decision, voting for "SERUM" for the gameplay alone. Its got that old school Halo charm. Altar is a solid and Pendant is unique as well. I'm kicking myself for not voting for Altar. Had these maps been separated into different voting sessions it would have been much easier.
Sorry Flamingo, but in my mind, an accidentally created gametype would never even be compared to four maps that have time, effort, and thought put into them. And the fact that people are voting for the gametype, purely for diversity, is very disappointing.
I agree. People should vote for the gametype because its amazeballs fun, not for the idea of seeing a gametype in FhF.