I'll throw a second nom for Pendant. I don't see too many 1 v 1's that peak my interest, and I like what I've seen so far.
Relapse- Remember Isao Operator- SaVaGe SpAnK Impact Zone- Cheiyijei some really unique layout designs and feels with these maps, the doors under the stairs in impact zone and the sorta gears of war feel to it is really unique, relapse b/c that's the first open sorta suspended cleanly forge map ive seen, really unique idea, and operator, b/c the map strayed from the so often used designs of so many small multi-tier maps. Forgers need to be different and have their own style, I'm getting so sick of the same type of maps.
Serum - Noooooch (Feels like old school Halo to me) Altar - Career (inspirational object use - solid design) Pendant - Eightball (his best work so far)
Serum by Noooooch He really deserves this one for creating an asymmetric 2v2 map with excellent player orientation, spawning, weapon setup, color coordination, lines of sight, height variation. I actually have nothing bad to say about the map. Good luck Noooooch. As for Altar and Pendant; I will still nominate them because they truly are really refreshing looking maps, but I have yet to get invited to play either of them. It seems to me they didn't put as much time into testing as Serum in time to win FHF.
I'll nominate these right here. Altar and Pendant are great maps and Relapse breaks the room based 1v1/2v2 stereotype very well.
Civil War by Wade Zompound by Wade Championship by Wade Because life is a game, and all (no matter what you say/post) is pre programmed for him to win because of the mafia and social linkages that exist behind all tournaments about forge created maps in Halo.