Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Angst Crypt Gallant Refuge Worthy Voting ends March 17th, 2012. Good luck!
I voted for Gallant last time, so I'm going to go ahead and give a vote to Angst. It is a really fun and unique map. It does look like Lux, though. Get ripped zamples.
It looks like Xzample is bound to rule forgehub now. Angst is nice, but I'm casting my vote on Worthy. It's full of straight paths/ramps and 90 degree turns, but I enjoy that map more. It has the perfect depth for both 2v2 and 4v4, the color/aesthetics are appealing, and is good with power weapons and control. I can tell Angst is going to make it, but let's see if worthy does too.
I played Angst once and was very fond of it. Nice design, nice aesthetics. I can't comment on Worthy though since it's still in the 7x7 contest and winners haven't been announced yet. Crypt is also a great map. Really like the shallow water in it - Nooch did a good job with this one. The other map I know here is Refuge, which is the best version of Asylum/Sanctuary I've seen in Reach, and economically constructed and pretty to boot. If it doesn't replace Asylum in matchmaking, there's no justice.
The only one of these I've played is gallant, so I don't think I can make a valid decision to vote for anything. I'll check Angst out though, I suppose.
Hadn't voted in a long time. Crypt, although I am biased because its the only one I've played out of the rest.
If I were allowed to vote, it would go to Worthy. I like Angst, but the unique design elements present in Worthy, such as being forced to give up high ground for every power weapon and only spawning on low ground and having to fight your way to the top, tip the scales in its favor for me.