Thanks to Kidbomber for the banner Some of you may remember Awesometacular Skypeathon 2009, which was a whole lot of fun, except when my internet went out and so on...well, that's a long story and this isn't the place. Anyhow, it was fairly fun and successful. From Saturday night (Jan. 9th) at about 8 PM EST (GMT -5) until Sunday night (10th) at about 8 PM, we'll hopefully have a 24 hour Skype chat going, similar to the first showing. You can pop in and out at whatever times you like, talk a little in the audio or text chat, or whatever. Hopefully I'll have a broadcast going of whatever going on on my screen as well, but I can't confirm that yet. You won't need anything other than a computer. Mics are nice to have, but not necessary. You can get Skype and Skype account for free at Message me (my Skype is Insane540 - mind the zero at the end!) and we'll get you in the chat as soon as we start. Post here if you're going to be a part, too. This is going to be a ton of fun and I hope to see you guys there
I might drop in and out a bit. Skypeathon 2012 "End of the World" edition is a different story. I'll be there.
I'll come, but it'll be tough holding order with a hundred people talking at once. Although, I can imagine the lulz had.
I'd just like to add that you can use your Guitar Hero controller by plugging your mic into it and plugging the guitar (USB) into the computer. Pretty G and simple too. So guys be there or be square. :3
Actually if she would come over, Ill ask her if she'd want to or atleast let me talk for abit. Think she'd be bit nervous but thats k
I'm not sure if they all can, but when I was in a convo with several people and it worked for more than just me. I think you were there for a bit.
Skype doesn't use servers. EDIT- and if there was an overload, it would have already happened... We had a group with a good 50 or so people that used to basically be a 24/7 chat.
Of course they use servers. They also hold millions of people talking to cell and land lines...same with how Microsoft holds millions of people at once playing Xbox Live. You can have a chat up to 600 people I believe it is, and there won't be any problems.