I want to know if you will actually use forge filters? I find them lame and distracting from actual gameplay. Sorry, no poll. I lied
bad no lieing and i will use them i found out you can make them spawn after a certain time so im going to make a map that changes over time w00t!
I think there is a lot that you can do with the filters that we haven't discovered yet. Timed events are a start, but I bet there are more uses than what we've found already.
IF I use them, it will only be for timed events. They are distracting from gameplay, as I thought they would be.
What happens if you use multiple ones of them. Also what are there physical charateristics with other objects? I haven't been able to download the new maps.
Yeah, same. I don't think they can be mixed with other objects because they are invisible during gameplay.
they are invisible during gameplay, and multiple ones blend together to make different effects, don't get your hopes up, they're not that different from the original forge filters
I realize that they are invisble during normal gameplay. However, I was wondering if they possessed unique physical properties. For instance if you were playing a zombie survival map could you suspend a fusion coild on top of one so that it looks as if the coild were floating, or maybe a grenade that you must get to in order to complete a puzzle map. These are the kinds of things I think about with each forge object. How can i implement this in my map, what will it cause players to do. How will it affect gameplay. It seems to be the consensus that the filters are only good for screenshots and videos, oh well, I will have fun with them at least.
Ding ding ding! Now go find it everyone so we can at least be above the TEH L337357 R4C3 M4P 3VZ0RZ, but is really a map with just a filter on.
i reckon they're pretty pointless ... especially since you can only use them on the new maps, which is ultra-fail.
I was hoping for an area effect thing so I could add the filters to different areas I mean like with the spawn area things then you could make some awesome maps like the evolution of film or Dark VS light something like that.
One thing they reall REALLY should have done is made them destroyable and visible in game.Also that they cover a certain area (even if we could only have one active at a time in one place) Now this might sounds stupid at first but think about it. How hard can it be to hide a small globe on your map if you dont want the filter messed with?(also you could just max out minimum respawn or interlock it into a box or something) AND if they were destroyable we could implement really cool switches. Ie blow something up and the room is filled with halon gas(well some other gas...lol i might be mixed up but now that i think about halon is the one that kills people right?),blurring the sight of people.Now something like that could make for a gimicky minor advantage for some competitive matches...be kind of like having a smoke grenade As it is they are kind of a gimick and will be mainly used to save machinima makers some time and effort of putting the vid into movie maker/<insert other program here> and adding an effect in manually.Though i suppose they could be somewhat useful for themed gametypes (a cowboy shootout type thing comes to mind with old timed) Bungie havent managed to get access to an effective way of adding things to published content yet,short of selling a new halo everytime they change something. In fact its the forge feature that allows them to alter the maps on the playlists without changing the ones saved to you hardrive Even though i am legend would totally rock if it actually became dark when they came out...he wouldnt require his weird soccar ball klaxon bell XD
Can't machinima makers already create these effects in the programs they use during editing? Nova and Pen&Ink seem to be pretty pointless as they apply a ridiculous amount of blur to your vision. --dc