Do you fantasize about spawn points? Do double boxes turn you on? I personally like floating fortresses. Those are teh secks. How about you guys? What are your Forge Fetishes? Floating fortresses. Forge Fetishes. ATonOf Alliteration.
Pallet floors and floating platforms over a death ground. Do those, and you're guaranteed to have my dl.
Pallet Platforms and Floating Floors are better. ^^ I love pallets too. It annoys me how small they are on Ghost Town, though.
NINJA!!!!!!!!! Any may that I can use the thin ledge on foundry to my advantage, or the ledge you can walk on near the top!
Ah, I like it when maps are clean, interlocked, and don't look like everything else. Tactical Fusion coil placement is a plus, and when the maps have multiple levels, I <3.
I like it when the map is unique and clean...the type doesn't really matter to me as ong as it is new and fresh =]
Quoted becuase this is my reply. I love maps that are super interlocked and look like a brand new map.
I love self-contained maps, mainly 2-6 player ones. I also love Man-cannon lifts that don't look like random grav-lifts placed next to a wall.
That one thing SwordScar does with his his tongue. I forgot that I pass out form a extreme Forge-Gasm when I see a Small, Wooden Crate.
Sounds like a lot of you guys would like my stuff since I make self-enclosed, asymmetric, interlocked 2-6 player Foundry maps with multiple levels. xD But my favorite things to add in Forge are easter egg-ish things, like hidden soccer balls that can affect gameplay, and tricky Brute shot jumping shortcuts. And the occasional contraption that uses fusion coil explosions to splatter people with debris.