Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by WAR, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. BodeyBode

    BodeyBode Ancient

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    Id recommend saving pieces by using a single circular zone with a top that stops below the street, and then pull the street zone out a bit wider over the island.

    condense the name of the zone by using a single zone. Red/Blue island literally being the same small piece of terrain would confuse me anyway.
  2. Keven0045

    Keven0045 Legendary
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    I personality couldn't find a better name of that area. And I have already used the other good ones.

    The first reason why I placed a callout there is because to make it a bit "easier" to callout where the enemy is.
    The second reason why, is because Red/Blue Yard is a quite big location that's why I placed a callout there.

    I'm not trying to persuade you. I'm open for ideas and feedback for my maps :)
  3. BodeyBode

    BodeyBode Ancient

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    invite me some time and ill take a look, gt bodeybode
  4. Keven0045

    Keven0045 Legendary
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    Okay I'll maybe do it, if I remember it. I'm from Sweden so my english is maybe not that good. My english is sometimes good and other times it's not. :( I want to good at it so this is my chance. :p
    BodeyBode likes this.
  5. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I would love to see a feature within Halo that allowed map creators to communicate more directly with people that have downloaded their maps. That being said, as a map user I would also like the ability to control communication that I receive on a map by map basis, including the ability to block all. The only time gamertag info is given to the map creator is if the map user decides to send feedback.

    There are a few types of communication that creators could send.
    -Map has been updated. I would prefer a tick box so that I could choose when to notify as opposed to automated on save.
    -Map has been updated + update notes
    -Map feedback requests. The request for feedback would open a private dialog until the creator decides to close it.

    As I mentioned above, map users could choose to block one or all communications, individually or by default.

    I know this is what Forgehub is for, but let's be honest, there is no guarantee that any of the bookmarks are coming from Forgehub. Also, just because someone bookmarked a link from FH doesn't mean that they have ever come back. FH map update posts are kind of like shouting it out across a busy street, where as this is like mentioning it in a room full of peers.
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.
  6. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    How about a Halo 6 Forge Beta. Prefferable far enough in advance that it can be significantly altered if necessary.

    Ps. Lets take the training wheels off. It's fine to offer players an easy way to get into Forge, but it's about time we get a full fledged, yet still user friendly editor. There's no reason you can't add a beginner mode for noobs.
    CommanderColson and a Chunk like this.
  7. HerrMittmann

    HerrMittmann Legendary
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    Can someone sum up a list with all Forge wishes? :)

    Some things I'd love to see in Halo 6 Forge:
    - Get rid of those terrain objects. I'd prefer some kind of "brush" that could lift the terrain. I mean the "hill" object has such an impossible shape and's practically un-usable.
    - In this Context a Water-Brush etc. would be nice, so you can form rivers.
    - Scalable Objects: Instead of having X wall-objects, just have on and let us set up it's size like we already can set up boundaries for some objects. Or instead of having 3 Grunt Toy sizes, just make 1 and let us change it's size.
    - Separate Overlays for every color - I'd like to only make some details of an object emissive.
    - "Polygon Boundaries" - Do you guys know the polygon lasso in Photoshop? I'd like something similar to that to create boundaries e.g. for the location name volume, or for kill zones. This would be a much quicker and more detailed way.
    - An actual working Rotation Script :D
    - Scriptable know? Right now you can say "Move 300 forward in 3sec" and there is an immediate acceleration. would feel more natural if it starts slowly, gets fast and then stops slowly.
    - Set up paths/vectors for movement scripts. We can already use a "Target" object, but I'm thinking about actual drawing a path an object should move along.
    - An option for elements to block weather effects. For example: It should'n rain inside the base. So a wall-element should block the rain.
    ExTerrestr1al likes this.
  8. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Easy, give me Unrealed 4 with a choice to use a forge style mode, a more advanced forge style mode, or an advanced editor mode.
  9. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    also, if we must use pieces, let "welding" actually truly combine the pieces into a new piece so that the vertices of the joins between the piece vanish and it acts as one new polygon!
  10. HerrMittmann

    HerrMittmann Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I'll just continue the List:

    - Get rid of those terrain objects. I'd prefer some kind of "brush" that could lift the terrain. I mean the "hill" object has such an impossible shape and's practically un-usable.
    - In this Context a Water-Brush etc. would be nice, so you can form rivers.
    - Scalable Objects: Instead of having X wall-objects, just have on and let us set up it's size like we already can set up boundaries for some objects. Or instead of having 3 Grunt Toy sizes, just make 1 and let us change it's size.
    - Separate Overlays for every color - I'd like to only make some details of an object emissive.
    - "Polygon Boundaries" - Do you guys know the polygon lasso in Photoshop? I'd like something similar to that to create boundaries e.g. for the location name volume, or for kill zones. This would be a much quicker and more detailed way.
    - An actual working Rotation Script :D
    - Scriptable know? Right now you can say "Move 300 forward in 3sec" and there is an immediate acceleration. would feel more natural if it starts slowly, gets fast and then stops slowly.
    - Set up paths/vectors for movement scripts. We can already use a "Target" object, but I'm thinking about actual drawing a path an object should move along.
    - An option for elements to block weather effects. For example: It should'n rain inside the base. So a wall-element should block the rain.
    - Unrealed 4 with a choice to use a forge style mode, a more advanced forge style mode, or an advanced editor mode.
    - if we must use pieces, let "welding" actually truly combine the pieces into a new piece so that the vertices of the joins between the piece vanish and it acts as one new polygon!
    - Team-Labels for Vehicles (Vehicle can only used by Team X)
    - Better scripting for Weapons (e.g. "despawn on matchstart" doesn't seam to work)
    WAR likes this.
  11. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    - Better scripting for Weapons (e.g. "despawn on matchstart" doesn't seam to work)

    Try this: On Timer, initial (something greater than zero), repeat zero > despawn. Use one script on a brain or something, telling all objects wit ha particular label to despawn on Timer.

    This usually is a good alternative to the On Round Start or Match Start events.
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    major request here... we REALLY need to be able to delete scripts and actions within scripts on an individual basis, not "last script" or "last action".

    For those who don't script, this means that when you have 1,2,3,4,5 or more scripts attached to an object, and you realize you don't need #2, you must either disable and have a wasted script, or remove 5,4 and 3, just to get to delete 2. You then must rebuild what was once #3,4 and 5. :(\

    This, and a COPY SCRIPTS function would be amazing. Ideally, one would be able to copy a script within an object, or across forge objects. That way, if you love your scripts and they work fine, but you want to replace the piece, you don't have to rebuild what may be very complicated scripts!

    Even more ideally, you'd be able to move them on an individual or group basis. Meaning, if you want to copy only one script from object to object, you'd have the choice. (and choice to do all scripts).

    Thanks in advance ;)
    TAxxOUTBR3AKxx likes this.

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