Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by WAR, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    • Spheres/hemispheres/quarter spheres, so we don't have to do this. Make them hollow so we can cap them off with a cylinder, if needed.
    • Tori/half tori/quarter tori, so we don't have to do this.
    • Water planes. Use world coordinates to offset the UVs, just like you've been doing with the terrain, so they line up perfectly. If you want to get fancy, use triplanar mapping to make the water flow downwards when the planes are titled.
    • When manipulating objects as the forge monitor, make the movement speed of those objects proportional to the distance of the monitor to the object. (If I'm far away from the object, I'm probably just trying to drag it to the other side of my map. If I'm two feet away from it, I'm probably trying to move it very precisely.) Constantly switching back and forth between no snapping and z-fighter fixer, and precise and normal is very annoying.
    • Allow switching between world, object, and camera rotation with the D-Pad.
    • Moving the focal point/pan location for cameras needs to be faster.
    • Resizing volumes needs to be faster.
    • Change the yellow color on the budget meters to improve visibility of the text in front it.
    #181 Chan, Apr 10, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2016
    AnonomissX and darkprince909 like this.
  2. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Primitives to have a texture option so you can change the texture of the objects. Here is a list of possible options.

    Default (what they are right now)

    Plain (true primitives no detail just a solid block)

    Grass (metal option would adjust color instead of making it metallic)

    Rock (Metal option would adjust color)


    Just some ideas
    AnonomissX and Duke of Mearl like this.
  3. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    This plus the ability to input the dimensions you want would really help keep the object menus from getting cluttered with a ridiculous amount objects.

    So like select Primitives > Block, then set your L, W, & H, then the block spawns. Then you could go into object properties and set the texture.
    darkprince909 and AnonomissX like this.
  4. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

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    This. So this.
    AnonomissX likes this.
  5. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
    Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    • Script color option of "unchanged". Make it the default.
    • Input that lets us change numbers in large chunks. Maybe the right thumbstick would work.
    • Vehicle spawn pad with basic scripts.
    • User Constants for numbers and/or many common settings, similar to the reference colors. In the map settings.
    • Start, stop, and/or trigger Actions.
    • Numeric variables, maybe one for each channel. We could then select the variables for script settings instead of using fixed numbers. Add a script action that lets us set or offset the value stored in the variable. Maybe add a condition with numeric comparators.
    AnonomissX likes this.
  6. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    I miss having a flat terrain canvas from H2A, so I'm making a map suggestion.

  7. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    Range adjustments for sound effects. Either a boundary volume similar to how named locations work, or a "Range: Local/Medium/Map-Wide" in the object properties would be amazing.
    AnonomissX, Zern and Starship Forge like this.
  8. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
    Senior Member

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    Perhaps volume control as well. Maybe have a range, a volume, and a falloff value (sort of like how the light controls work).
    AnonomissX and ReclaimerX22 like this.
  9. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    I'd love to have a color option for foliage. The tree trunk texture would work so well for so many other things if we could just change the color of it. (Specifically, I'd like to use the stumps to emulate the muscly texture at the bottom of the pillars in this screenshot: )


    You can see this same texture in several places on the map Infernal from Doom, or the campaign level they played on the stream a few days ago. Having color options for foliage would also help us pull off alien landscapes easier, without have to have dedicated alien pieces.

    Edit: Come to think of it, we don't have small versions of fire. It'd be nice to get those, especially if they were small enough to fit on the end of a cable to make wall torches. They would fit nicely inside the Satellite 8x8x13 without causing damage to players walking by like the fire mediums do.
    #189 darkprince909, May 6, 2016
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
    AnonomissX, Zern, Blaze and 1 other person like this.
  10. Zern

    Zern Legendary

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    Interface request
    For the edit coordinates feature, give the ability to more precisely conjoin separate category blocks with the addition of the ones place (x = 21.65, y = 10.04, as opposed to x = 21.60, y = 10.00).

    Gadget request
    • A floor boost piece specifically for vehicles , that increased speed without wobbling (think Mario kart).
    • And of course when driving on an inverted/steep platform, please keep the driver inside the car (currently bails at the sight of and epic inversion).
  11. Zern

    Zern Legendary

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    That is a great idea reminds of a minecraft server.
  12. Zern

    Zern Legendary

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    YESSS, this needs to be seen above all! The most ambitious video game level creator, with no easy way to share it!
    #192 Zern, May 7, 2016
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  13. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am still just dying for trait zones and shield doors (the shields you can run through, but blocks bullets and frags). I really need these for my Anchor 9 remake to be more complete and enjoyable.
    GrinningTybo, Zern and AnonomissX like this.
  14. Duke of Mearl

    Forge Critic

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    Can we get those breakable icicles from Stasis, that would be awesome
    Also be able to turn fire damage off so we can use it for some aesthetic purposes without harming people
  15. Duke of Mearl

    Forge Critic

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    Name location: Red Courtyard (basically anything that we have in "Blue Location" we should have in "Red Location" and vise versa.
    AnonomissX likes this.
  16. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    I'd love to have the option to scale the textures on the primitive blocks (especially the stone texture). The default size seems really small to make walls out of, and some blocks have different scales of the texture already, like the bottoms of the 20x12x8's. Honestly, the size of the texture on that surface is about perfect for what I was needing it for.

    And I'll mention again that I'd love to be able to color foliage, both the leaves and the trunks.
    AnonomissX and Blaze like this.
  17. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Probably stated some of these previously..

    1. Custom power up

    Details: Editable in forge, duration, color, weapon, ammo, camo/shield/damage percentages, etc

    2. Trait zones

    Details: Same as custom

    3. Proximity scripting

    Details: Replicating or improving on MCCs version

    4. Overlay options

    Details: Transparency percentages, rust.

    5. Texture options

    Details: Large cobblestone, Brick, Sandstone, breakout.

    6. Intuitive lists

    Detail: To choose colors and callout locations quicker.

    7. Weapon variety

    Details: There are a few types of weapon that we are missing entirely from the h5 sandbox. Concussion and sentinel beam. Actually, wouldn't it be great to combine this? Concussion shots unzoomed and a medium ranged beam zoomed so that you could knock someone into the air and then shove them back while airborn? Many other arena shooter have these mechanics and it's been missing from halo for the most part.

    8. Piece conservation

    Details: Obviously all objects have limitations but many could be easily separated, I'm sure. I'm assuming that if blocks were a separate budget from name zones and spawns, (almost like a budget system again, we could have a higher object count without breaking the game. If this happened, the quality of maps could skyrocket.
  18. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Build a map is like create a new gametype in my opinion... Due to this opinion, I really really need some little things to create a map that could change the way you play Infection... But for that, here are my requests...

    Infection settings : It's simple, infected are zombies. So if I could just choose in the gametype's setting that infected players can't use the interactive script, it could be really helpful !

    If it's not possible, I need something more expensive in Forge but which could allow me to do the same thing : team blockers which can block infected or survivors.

    Also... I feel a little limited by the Forge... The Forge is cool but... I miss something... Script with EVERYTHING. That includes the death zone or live zone, etc... Everything needs to be scripted. I would like to make appear a timed death zone after a script, and it's not possible, I just can't place that death zone above and make it down after a script too... I am limited...

    So :

    - Infected interaction with scripted elements : true/false
    - Team blockers in Infection : Survivors/Infected
    - Scripted zone (death/live), or everything could be scripted

    Thanks a lot !
    AnonomissX likes this.
  19. GrinningTybo

    GrinningTybo Legendary

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    • One way invisible blockers (only work in forge)
    • Team-pass invisible blockers (only work in forge)
    • Welding - welded objects fall apart with movement scripts
    • Smooth movement of scripted objects (then option of smooth or not)
    • Weather on map options doesn't pass through solid objects (why does it?)
    • Lights can be turned off and will no longer take up their full light budget

    New Features
    • Trait Zones
    • Forge "Gametype" Options (player traits so that we can forge with different jump heights etc.)
    • AI - Even just the completely scripted ones like the singing grunt from campaign
    • Search Objects - A search bar and each object has a couple tags that describe it
    • Anything scripting from H2A Forge that we don't already have
    • Prefab structures and objects
    • Scripting that allows the use of the "Artemis"
    • Script spawn points
    • 2 wide basic blocks of all sizes (having 16x16x64 for a seamless wall doesn't float my boat lol)
    • All weapons and vehicles
    • Shield strength options
    • FX sound options
    • Sound tuning (distance, radius, point, ambient, volume, etc)
    • Blood splatter decals/Spray paint.
    • "Drywall" - Walls that bullets have a chance of going through
    • Smaller sizes of glass
    • Prefab windows that can be shattered and when shattered enough can be walked through
    • Home decor (Human sized) - Paintings, plates, china hutch, potted plants, chairs, etc
    • Animal skulls/skelletons/bones
    • Smaller ring and cylinder sizes
    • Wires/cords/cables for electronics
    • construction site tools/equipment - Jack hammer, backhoe, bulldozer, sledge hammer, etc.
    • Topiary - Nice natural hedges partially transparent but solid
    • Roof Shingles texture
    • Spheres
    • Tubes - Tubes will cancel anything inside them for a clear pathway and can have objects placed inside them after being placed.
    • Television based light gobo's - infomercials, static, games, etc.
    • More Light sources
    • Radios
    • Sanghili statues
    • COLOR PALLET - Scrolling left and right takes forever
    • Golf club
  20. Spranklz

    Spranklz Ancient
    Senior Member

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