Hello my fellow forgers! I have created this thread to ask one simple question: What is your favorite map(s) and/or gametype(s)? I designed this because I myself have had difficulty coming up with ideas for maps. I assume others have had this problem as well. There is nothing more disappointing than spending hours, days, weeks, maybe even months on a map only to find out the community hates it. I hope this thread enlightens community forgers with general ideas of maps and gametypes that the community likes and that this allows them to forge better maps easier and faster. If you include community made maps/gametypes in your reply please include a link to said maps/gametypes so forgers can see what you find so enjoyable. Thank you. FORGE ON!
Was this thread really neccesary? I mean, we already have Forgehub Favorites and a Featured section. The last thing we really need is an entire thread designed to do the same exact thing but on a smaller scale and with a lot less profesional opinion. Besides, if someones favorite game is Fat Kid, should that inspire the world to make more Fat Kid map? If you honestly have trouble with making good maps, just ask another member what they consider to be the prime qualities of a good map. Read up our very own communtiy guides on Spawns, Gameplay and Infection. You should also test your map extensively with neutral strangers to see what they think is best. You have many options to help you learn about good map-making skills. Just don't do this. Hope I haven't come off as mean, it's just that I honestly doubt the purposes of a thread that seeks to answer easy questions that we already have the solutions for.
I think it's a good idea... It allows everyone to have their say to what they personally find entertaining in the game as opposed to a community vote where only the winners get showcased, or where staff only decide a feature worthy map. It may also get some very unknown maps recognised by the community that somewhat fell into the map database abyss unknown to the world... Sadly, I don't have any favourites that completely excel all the rest... for Reach anyway. If it was Halo 3... I'd say Xenolith hands down...
I liked the original predator map and gametype on foundry. To this day, nothing has beaten it. That's why I continue to try and remake this atmosphere... but it's sooo difficult to do. Believe me lol.
Reach: None at the moment. Halo 3: Not sure. I had many, and most were old mini-games like Jenga and Garbage Man, and Teacher to an extent. Close the Door on High Ground was the first non vanilla Halo gametype I had ever played. Thats what got me into Halo.
Responding to HarisSales1996, Stevo said it best: "I think it's a good idea... It allows everyone to have their say to what they personally find entertaining in the game as opposed to a community vote where only the winners get showcased, or where staff only decide a feature worthy map. It may also get some very unknown maps recognised by the community that somewhat fell into the map database abyss unknown to the world..." I do understand that forgers have many other options such as Forgehub Favorites and the Featured section, but those are the cream of the crop. If somebody likes Fat Kid, so be it. Well designed Fat Kid maps can be a blast. I remember that my friend and I spent hours in the sky box on Sandbox jumping through the "floor" trying to send our bodies through the hole that led to the crypt and land in a tin cup. Skydiving mixed with golf. It seems trivial on the surface, but can supply hours of fun for players willing to try. This, in my opinion, is the true beauty of the Forge. It allows you to design whatever you want. You can create serious maps that might appear in the Featured section, or they might not. This thread was designed so players could share their favorites and forgers could build off of those ideas or use them as inspiration for a completely new map/gametype. I respect you and your opinions, I just wanted to clarify a few things.