I agree with sentences 1 and 3 here. Personally if they're going to make a new forging map with a single look or theme to it, though, I want snow. We've had sand already (in Sandbox) and I've never really been a fan of it - it doesn't feel very Halo-ish to me for some reason. Snow and human or forerunner architecture though? Absolutely.
Since the announcement of Forge World I was hoping for Forge City. With remakes of Headlong, Terminal and Turf.... *keeps on dreaming <3*
I really wish people would stop making threads saying what they wish they had in Forge. There are SO many of them and they repeat the same ideas over and over again. Use that idea-making power and apply to what we do have, not what we don't have.
isnt that what forums are for? to talk about something that interests you? If you didnt like the subject than why open the thread and complain go read something else.
I suppose, but it's the fact that this interest has been talked about a hundred times. It's just slightly annoying to see a new one every week when people could be using that thinking power to try and figure out what they can do with what we have, not molding what they think we should have to fit their ideas.
well im new to the site and i really didnt know there were other threads about it. i see what your sayin though man.
This. The most pretty environ from Reach is easily New Alexandria. Why not have forgeable NA maps? Talk about minimalism, NA textures and the like seemed less demanding in general with solid colors mapped like the mirror's edge scheme someone posted earlier. -shrug-