Hello, I'm putting this thread out there because I would love to make a map with another person who is as serious about it as I am. It would be with only one other person, which is total of two people for those bad who are at math (haha I kid, I kid). All kidding aside, I will collaborate with one other person, and it will not be first come first served. I will chose the partner as I see fit to his or her (Is there even a single girl on ForgeHub besides JessicaJones? She doesn't even make her own maps so I don't know if that even counts... haha) Forging Style, level of skill, creativity, and just how much I like them. Thanks to anyone who would like to do this. And for those that want to know, I have only done one serious Forge collaboration. It was at a friend's house and he was very serious about the map as I was, and despite making it all in one night, it actually turned out better than I expected, so perhaps I can do it again.
I has open friend list. I am pretty bored at the time cause almost all my friends are playing gears or fallout. I make good maps, I'll show u some...