Wow I have been gone for a long time! That's enough CoD4 for me! Alrighty then, as most of you know a lot of halo fans were converted when CoD4 came out. Sadly I was one of them and I hadn't touched halo for months. A couple of days ago I decided to play halo again and what do you know! I'm hooked again! Ahhhh forge, you NEVER cease to amaze me! So I was thinking, to exercise my forge skills I should gather up some people and start a big forge project! I'll be keeping a list of people that are interested and I will update it every week. FORGE COLLAB PARTICIPANTS: AkA Klip HPssauce IVlatty Anyone else care to take part?
meh, may as well- send me a friend inv on x-live and give me a bell when you feel like creatin- one thing where u from? I live in England so time differences may vary...
alreet usually when most of my american friends are online its generally in the evening so best times of the week would be friday or saturday, but anyway ,if i notice u online ill give u a shout...
- could do, the best thing to do is to talk about it when playin on x-live - i might be on in 2/3 hours time so discuss it then + moderaters may see this as spam so its probably best
Eh the moderatoors won't think its spam, its a legit team thread. Anyway..... I'll be sending out friend requests today
im kinda new so i dont know the whole jist , anyhoo, yup ive sent request already so naby ill see u later- oh btw whats the time where u are right now?
it was about 5.30pm when i sent the last comment- so during the week im usually on around 4-6pm (my time) and various points during the weekend. so im more flexible at weekends...
Alright, sorry I haven't been on in a while I was busy with some family matters. I'll try to keep this collab going strong!