Forge Clan

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ASSASSINinWH1TE, Mar 31, 2011.

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    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Me and my buddy are starting a forge clan called the Assassin Forge Clan. I just launched a site which has a mini forgehub style forum built in, it has chat and other forums so we now have a place to congregate and a place to post our maps just for within the clan. We're looking for fellow forgers and people to play customs with!

    If you're over 18 and you're a good and passionate forger, send me a private message on here and I'll send you the site and see what's up (I'd put the site on here but I'd get in trouble!)

    Thanks guys, look forward to forging with some new "peeps".
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