Forge Challenge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by HalfBrian, May 5, 2008.

  1. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    Forge Challenge
    Created by HalfBrian

    Supported Gametypes:
    Forge (Default Settings)

    Map Description
    Forge Challenge is a special map in which you do 13 tasks that prove you know how to perform the basic tasks that might be required when you make an actual Forged map.

    Basic topics covered:
    1. Interlocking Objects
    2. Interlocking at odd angles
    3. Merging with Map Geometry
    4. Glitching out of map/placing objects outside of map
    5. Curvature
    6. Matching Angles
    7. Stacking walls
    8. Placing Shield Doors (non-vertically)
    9. Teleportal Tricks (Momentum)
    10. Integrating Bridges into Map Geometry at an angle (hardest task)
    11. Creating a Floating base

    A few rules:
    1. The final result must not touch other tasks (or the start of that task)
    2. You map not delete anything that is already on the map (except Task 6)
    3. You must use the default Forge settings
    4. Only one person in the party (no guests, too) (make your party Invite Only)

    If you post your result here, I will "grade" it. Scores are out of 130 points.

    High Scores:
    1. HalfBrian - ? points (not graded, but I'm the only one who has completed it)
    2. ?
    3. ?


    Unless otherwise noted, match the example provided.
    The "solution" may be placed anywhere you wish as long as it does not violate Rule 1

    Task 1: Interlock two boxes at a right angle.
    Skill(s) Used: Interlocking, Guides
    Let's interlock! (That's what she said)

    Task 2: Interlock two boxes at a weird angle
    Skill(s) Used: Interlocking, Guides, Reference Points
    That's JUST right!

    Task 3: Integrating into Map Geometry
    Skill(s) Used: Merging into Map Geometry, Right Angle Placement
    This task involves Calculus, Cartography, and that subject with shapes.

    Task 4: Stacking Fence Walls
    Skill(s) Used: Precision Handling (or intelligence)
    Get on top of me!

    Task 5: Escape!
    Skill(s) Used: Glitching out of the map, a bit of Patience
    This task causes an out-of-map experience

    Task 6: My Barrel is Stuck
    Skill(s) Used: Getting out of the map, Y
    How did that get up there?

    Task 7: Guard against the grenades!
    Skill(s) Used: Placing an open box (omg!), placing a shield door non-vertically
    I bet I can sneak a grenade into there.

    Task 8: Weird angular tunnel thing-a-ma-jig
    Skill(s) Used: Interlocking, Angling/Angle Matching
    Why do we need two of these?!?!

    Task 9: Curvature
    Skill(s) Used: Interlocking, Curving
    Look at those curves!

    Task 10: Floating Fence Box
    Skill(s) Used: Floating
    Look ma! No strings!

    Task 11: Bridges suck! Bury them!
    Skill(s) Used: Angling into Map Geometry
    No comment, this is the hardest task. It almost caused me to walk out the door.

    Task 12: Teleportal Momentum
    Skill(s) Used: Mancannon placement, teleportal understanding
    Anyone know the reference?


    Task 13: Floating Bases
    Skill(s) Used: Interlocking at right angles, guides, floating things, a workout for your 360's hard drive
    I know, it's a crappy base, so sue me!

    Proof that everything fits/the "solution":

    Solution Map: Forge Challenge (Solution)

    I hope you like my map. It really didn't take me very long to make.

    Note: Just because you can complete this challenge does NOT mean you are able to make a great map! It just means you have the basic techniques of Forge down. Actual maps require dedication, creativity, and something else to complete this three item sentence. Have fun!

    I plan on making a sequel that will be harder and require more advanced skills/creativity, so stay tuned!

    Download Forge Challenge
    Gametype: Use Forge's default settings.​
    #1 HalfBrian, May 5, 2008
    Last edited: May 5, 2008
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    ? wats the point of this map to shwo ppl how to do stuff thats pretty basic besides merging idn wat ur getting at here
  3. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I have no idea why someone would take some time out of there lives to download this.
  4. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    I am trying to get people to match the thing I did so that they can get better and maybe even learn something. I realize that most of these are easy things, but a few of the later ones are more challenging.

    Also, it is a competitive map due to the scoring/grading system, making it more fun (PacMan would not have been fun w/o scoring). I had fun making it, which is basically what you do when you "play" it, so maybe you will have fun too.

    To tell you the truth CaMOfo, I don't entirely disagree with you, but I made it so I figured I might as well put it up.

    P.S. MLGLR, your English sucks, please put some thought into your post (I was gonna let it slide, but... wats = whats is it really that hard to type that extra "h"?)


  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I just wanna say that i know the reference for the quote.

    lol, she said all sorts of funny lines in that game

    "The Cake is a Lie!"
  6. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
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    And it's a Portal reference.
    #6 PlasmaGlory, May 5, 2008
    Last edited: May 5, 2008
  7. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I must say this is actually an interesting idea. Very interesting.
  8. TankedGrif

    TankedGrif Ancient
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    Are we allowed to use guides such as double boxes? If we aren't I honestly don't see the point of making things harder.
  9. KB

    KB Ancient
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    what is so special about this i don't get it
  10. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    Do you actually think you know more about forging than the people at FORGE-hub???

    Your challenge is not a challenge at all to most of us here
  11. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    Nice job on calling the Portal reference guys. I would ship you a cookie, but I'm too lazy and that would cost too much.

    Thanks Striker.

    TankedGrif, yes, I don't think it would be even semi-possible without being able to. Just your final product has to be separated from object that are already on the map

    Th Assain, Think of it as a combination tutorial/test/challenge

    Gooseberry, the only one I thought was a bit difficult is the bridge one. This is more aimed at the forgers who are just starting out, learning the tricks. I'm going to make a second one that is more advanced. Experienced FHers should be able to do it though.
    #11 HalfBrian, May 5, 2008
    Last edited: May 5, 2008
  12. TheLollipopLad

    TheLollipopLad Ancient
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    wow this map looks pretty good
  13. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I actually think this is an interesting idea, you guys giving him crap, cut it out, if it's easy for you, just ignore it, don't yell at him.

    I like the concept of scoring people, though it may be just a tiny bit biased.

    Good job on your own though.
  14. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    ROFL, I agree with you there. I just couldn't think of a better system. (I doubt this map will become popular enough for people to want to judge it)

    And thanks for the reassurance.

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