
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cory21, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    YouTube - Halo 3 forge VidocWhen Bungie first announced Forge in Halo 3 in the vidoc, they described it as a tool to edit maps any way you like. If you didn't like where the flag spawned, you could move it to another area of the map or make a base with crates and boxes. If you thought a map needed more vehicles, you could go in and put another warthog at your base.

    However, there was one feature the bungie said before the release that never really became a reality.

    Forge Battling.

    Sure, you can get a group of friends and have a game where one guy plays monitor and the rest fight on an ever changing battle field, but it doesn't come close to what you would expect from Halo. It isn't balanced whatsoever. Right when the game starts, your monitor will start making you rockets and scorpions and spartan lasers. Sounds like a map a 5-year-old could make, right?

    Forge-Battling would be released as a sort of hybrid gametype in Halo: Reach. You could select any gametype and then change it to a Forge-Battle mode. In Forge-Battle, each team would get one player who plays as the monitor (if there is a monitor, since there might not be Forerunners in Halo: Reach). The monitor would be pretty weak and easy to kill, but it would also be fast, so he can escape any firefight. It would almost be like VIP, but your using playing with any gametype such as CTF or slayer.

    This wouldn't be like normal forge though. The monitor can be your scout and your ticket for more weapons. He gets a preset list of weapons, scenery, and vehicles that he can make. When the game starts, he gets maybe $10. In Forge-Battle, the cost of weapons isn't based on how much coding it takes up (not sure if I used that word right), but its based on how powerful that weapon is. For example, a sniper would cost $20, a Battle Rifle would cost $10 and a Monggose would cost $15.All weapons are set to never respawn and have 0 extra ammo. However, before you place the weapon, you can pay a few extra bucks to add a little more ammuntion for your fellow soldier. How you earn money can be debatable. You could have maybe $3 per kill or have a sort of checkpoint the monitor has to reach so he gets $10.

    The monitor would also get 10 pieces of scenery. The scenery would be all non-static (movable) pieces of scenery that can easily be moved, since placing a box over the flag would be a little unfair. The scenery would despawn maybe 20 seconds after it gets moved, and then it would go back to the monitor's 10 original pieces. Scenery would include barricades, road-blocks (that actually block the road), fusion coils, and grav lifts. There would have to be a limit to the number of each individual pieces of scenery, for example, you can only lay 2 fusion coils.

    I think something like Forge-Battling would be a new and interesting custom game for the Halo series. What do you guys think?
  2. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    it sounds ok but this is already something similar to that. you have 2 equal teams on red and blue or whatever. then the party leader goes on his own team. they set the moniter to invunerable and good camo then the create a map around the playing teams say on sandbox or something. the moniter dude cant favoritise one team over the other. theres a group here on forge hub called Forge Wars if you want to join or learn more.
  3. used man

    used man Ancient
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    that sounds incredibly awesome. I totally hope they do that, but mics would have to be required

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    It sound pretty awesome to me. Its kind of like one of those realtime startegies except u have actual players who can do what they choose.

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