I've been a hearing a couple of hints of information on this so-called Forge 3.0. I also heard that 343 was doing some sort of live stream talking about forge that I was unfortunate enough to miss. Could anyone shed some light on this? Anyone watch this live stream?
My Wish for Halo 4 Forge what i realy wanted was to make AI for maps, like have a elite defend this platform like : "Advanced Settings: Elite_Defence_AI" and the shape would be the zone that ai defends or attacks. or for a vehcile driver you make a waypoint by your oracle...
I'm not asking what you want. I'm asking what 343 said in their live stream/any other information regarding forge in Halo Anniversary.
I didn't see much of the live stream, and what I did see, nothing about forge was mentioned. I'm also pretty sure there's little new in forge now. It's just more maps for Reach, they wouldn't revamp the forge engine. So Forge 3.0 doesn't seem a possibility. As far as I know from details already released, the maps will apparently get a little more "Forging love" than previous Reach maps, but that's pretty much it.
1-New Area In The Remake Map Pack (Forgeable?) 2-Headlong Remake Confirmed (Look To Be A Forge Map Like Tempest ) 3- Still need to stay Alert , Halo Fest Still Up so ...... Maybe Moar info about forge
They are not gonna release any info about the map yet, since the map is still at the Alpha testing phase.
"Forge 3.0" will probably only exist in halo 4. Until then I don't expect to hear anything forge related. The only comments regarding forge in the live stream are just that you can tweak the classic maps. There will most likely not be any real forging area to allow for creative content outside making improvements and what not to whats already there on the maps.