Hello everyone! This map was created over a year ago, and after having to rebuild it 3 times dues to size errors and actually losing the map itself because of hard drive failure it is my pleasure to present to you the following: FORERUNNER STADIUM 3.1 The map itself has very distinct sides for each team as seen in the screens below: This map is dedicated to all of my friends who demanded I complete it and submit it. You will only find the screen shots here on the forum, but I do have a video uploaded on my file share. I truly hope that you all enjoy this map, as it took me well over a month to complete in the overall time Ive taken to complete this final version. VIDEO: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Thanks, and most of all PLAY BALL! Author's note: If this is in the wrong section, please feel free to move it after checking out the map
Needs to be in casual, I'll try and get a mod to move it to there, and Griffball maps aren't really anything special besides the aesthetics on them, but, the grids don't satisfy my need for that. It looks nice but nothing special.
reply i find this map visualy stunning, yet slightly boring...if you could modify the map so its compatable with CloneBall, that would make the map itself much more exciting and more played, overall well constructed map, looks great but the intial perpose isnt that exciting...i really do like the overhang in the middle though
Very creative for a Griffball map. Nice use of the girds and angles, it makes a good effect. However, overall it looks a bit busy, maybe you could tone it down a bit? Simplicity can be appealing, believe it or not.
I feel the same, it does feel busy. detail is good, but not when it muddies the overall power of the maps design, and you did do a great job for designing a griffball court, nice job