*An updated version of Beaver Creek. It's not a direct remake, I just used the general layout and switched things up a bit. Forerunner Creek A once forgotten creek that has been upgraded with Forerunner technology. Recommend 8-16 players Symmetrical Supports Neutral Bomb and Team Slayer Red Base: Center Construct: Overhead View: Teleporter: Sniper Ledge: What do you guys think?
The map looks ok but there is a huge lack of cover. People could die way to easy. You should add cover between the main bases and the middle structure. Other than that the layout of the map and detail is pretty good.
Like the person above me said, try and add cover. I'd recommend adding some rocks like the actual Beaver Creek uses. And also, try and add more aesthetics. Your map looks kind of dull, especially the bases and center structure. Try and come up with unique structures, it looks a lot better and makes your map look better and play better. But it's a good idea, and a good re-imagining. Just needs some work.
It looks like a close remake of Creek. i like your layout and the blend of nature into this. im going to test this out.