Is there any way to know, prior to a game starting, which team will have the VIP in one-sided VIP? In other words, is there any way to "force" one team to always have the VIP? I'm making a map where the team with the VIP has ONLY the VIP, and everyone else is on the other team. Testing was getting annoying because we had to keep quitting and restarting until the lone man was the VIP.
I believe that the red team is the attackers. And then the blue team is the defenders. So my suggestion is to have one starting point where you want the VIP and set it to defender. Then make 15 starting points where you want everyone else and set all of those to attacker. This will only work if the game is one round though. It may be reverse also, as in blue being attackers, and red being defenders, I can't remember exactly, just try it out. It should work. Don't kill me if it doesn't.
Actually, the VIP is not decided according to team colour, so either could be defender. Host always spawns as VIP team in the first round, and it rotates around.
OH, so I just have to pass leader to whoever wants to be the lone VIP. From my experience, blue seemed to be the Defenders a LOT more often, but there were those annoying stretches where red would get it 2-3 times in a row. If there's no way to deal with it, people might just have to restart the map until it works out right... And yeah it is only 1 round.
Why not use Juggernaut? It would be 1 person verse all, and round ends with the death of the Juggernaut. I think there might also be a way to make the Juggernaut, unchanging.
i've been wondering if this was possible too cus i could definitely use it on this mini game type thing im trying to make. it's not based on party leader tho... i know that for a fact and from experience... when he said host, i think he meant connection host.
Oh... darn. Oh well... I would use Jugger, it would certainly make things a lot easier. However, I need the VIP destinations. The whole game is centered around them, that's the only way the VIP scores.
..Seriously? EFF! LOL yeah I'm using Juggernaut. Haha I've never even messed with Juggernaut before, I didn't know that XD EDIT: Nevermind, still need to work the VIP thing. You can't set a specific starting point for the first Juggernaut, that is very much required for my map.