Hello and thanks for checking out my thread. Anyways I've been working on a map that Bartoge as well as someone else. Though people keep asking me what i am up to is a FFA map that Bartoge hopfully gonna help me with weapons and spawns. I have been brain storming an idea of the Br tower and adding a little more to the map. I really want to add a little funk to my map unlike Contusion i have've been thinking about a huge structure across the map no accesable but cool to look at. And if your one of the lucky few to see this before it is realesed then i am telling you there's gonna be some lower cover as well as a tunnel with mabye an added ramp and like i said to Bartoge the grav lift is where a single box is gonna be merged to the ground so there's alturnative rout up the the main floor. This map i am shooting for is gonna be done in about 6 days so this Sunday ( to day's Date 2/23/09 ) for downloading off xX iTz Br0KeN file share ( not allbroken2U's Fileshare ) Why not Allbroken2U fileshare? Because i've bought a new xbox 360 for my self and cannot find the password to allbroken2U's File share ( gotta get to my email soon and then i will get allbroken2U back. That's what i've been up to for the people who asked!:lol: