
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Vaughano, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Vaughano

    Vaughano Ancient
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    FootballFinder is a fun gametype, which can be a little frustrating at times. This map took around an hour and a half to complete. I came up with the idea of a map like this as soon as I discovered that there were footballs available. Then, I began work on a StandOff map, (which i lost due to my old 360 that kept overheating and i bought a new harddrive :( ) and then the Foundry maps. I currently have two; this is the first

    The ScreenShots

    Beginning Teleports:

    The screenshot for this won't work for some reason, but i'll explain. You start off with 8 teleporters infront of you. You must go through 1 to get into the map. BEWARE! 2 of the teleporters will take you inside a box you cannot get out of and you cannot kill yourself either, so you'll be suck their the whole game.​

    Bad Teleporter!:


    This is where you'll slowly go insane​

    The Goal:


    This is where you put the footballs once you've found them.

    The Maze Entrance:


    Is there a football in there? Or just a confusing little maze? You find out!

    Blue Tunnel:


    Oh god, are you serious? i'm going to have to get a football through that?!

    Tele Annoyance:


    ARGH! i keep going through the right ones and ending up in the wrong direction!

    Happy Football hunting!

    If you need more help or stuck on a particular bit, message me on Live

    My GT: VAUGHN is Dirty


    Screenshots done. now u can see the map a little
    #1 Vaughano, Sep 4, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  2. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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  3. Vaughano

    Vaughano Ancient
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    ty, doing tht now. as soon as i've finished i'll post them up. in the meantime, download and play plz!
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    also, you aren't allowed to have anything besides the title in your title....go to edit > advanced > and edit the title
  5. Vaughano

    Vaughano Ancient
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    anybody tried it yet? All comments will be taken and if there's anything wrong e.g. ball cannot go through something, let me know and i'll fix it. :D
  6. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I'm surprised. i Don't usually see alot of minigames around here, especially as a first map. Its a nice idea, but the box traps are just ridiculous. It looks like this game might last a while, so having trap boxes is a surefire way to get people to leave your party when playing with others on XBL. Oh, yes, to avoid confusion, you might want to call them soccer balls because americans like me think of a football as a lemon-shaped ball for some reason. It seems a little more frustrating than fun.
  7. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I suggest you touch this up with some interlocking to make it cheat proof, and so that its more appealing.
    I also suggest you dont type in white, alot of members still use oldschool.
  8. Vaughano

    Vaughano Ancient
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    yh, i'd do interlocking, but when i checked and tested the map, you can't cheat in anyway. in my 2nd soccerballfinder, you can so i need to edit tht
  9. OwlWolf

    OwlWolf Ancient
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    Well.... It looks quite interesting....
    But just like official said...
    Try interlocking... You might like how it looks.
    Nice idea though.... Its definitely different.
    Is it supposed to be a maze kind of thing to be played by yourself or with friends like a minigame?
  10. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I like the idea of a maze finder thing and I like the teleporter thing, but you can just nade jump over it.....or is that the point? 4/5 for just a little sloppiness
  11. Vaughano

    Vaughano Ancient
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    The gametype doesn't give you any grenades to start with and when i have the time, i'll create another one with interlocking.

    You can play it with friends, but i'd say no more than about 6 players just because too many ppl would make the game a little too easy, so i'd recommend 1-6 players.
  12. Vaughano

    Vaughano Ancient
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    Also guys, i'm thinking about doing soccerballfinder.3 soon and may need some help with certain forge tricks and ideas for hiding the soccerballs. if interested, msg me or add my GT: VAUGHANizCLUTCH.

    I've also notice, after playing this more times, tht the maze is broke so i'll fix it ASAP!

    #12 Vaughano, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008

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