My last craving was for sandwiches... Cold, warm, panini, bacon, steak, pesto, ruben, and all those good kinds. Now I'm in to Sushi, thanks to my local sushi place. Dragon roll's are heavon, Unagi to. What kind of food do all you people like? (And dont comment if your gonna talk about junk food and pizza rolls.
Dammit, now i'm hungry for something i have to drive to get I love any chinese and Japanese Sushi is the best, along with teriyaki chicken.
haha well at least you imbeded pictures with this, if you hadn't I would have found this thread very displeasing due to the lack of relevancy to basically anything. I'm also hungry btw
I love classic British food, sheppard's pie, sunday roasts, sausage cassaroles, I also LOVE Chineese food, like won-tons and sweet and sour chicken balls I like Indian food, but only poppadoms, naam bread and chicken korma
as boring as it is...just started eating my pizza, numnumnumnum also, i love chicken noodle soup... thirdly, i love to cook anything i can get my hands on like some steaks for example...
Steak is very good, but it needs a bit more WHAZAM to make it taste good. Like adding Flank Steak to a burrito. Indian food is delicious also. Nan especially. But for at least now, the Dragon Roll remains king. This is how my local place makes it: Prawn Tempura Wrapped up in sticky rice With avacodo lined up on top And Freshwater Eel on top of that And I couldnt find any Images, but some delicious homemade sauce and fish eggs on top of that.
i'm such a picky eater, the majority of the foods mentioned here aren't my cup of tea. I'll take a bacon cheeseburger covered in condiments any day though. I live off of burgers and cereal.
Burgers are absolutely delicious if they're cooked right. A way I like to do it.... Take the ground beef, and mix it up with some soy sauce and french onion dip mix. Shape it into burgers and begin to grill them. When it comes to putting the cheese on, put some nice sautaed mushrooms on top first. Put your slice of JARLSBURG (FTW!) cheese on top, and let it melt. Now you have a 1/4 pound of awesome, ready to eat. You guys may have noticed my slight obsession with food. (Im not fat, I swears!
you really don't like making anything simple do you... i'd never want you to judge my cooking skills.
Sometimes I do, like pasta. Simple, delicious garlic pasta is pretty easy. Just cook up some pasta, and put garlic butter (garlic fried in a pan of butter) on top with some salt. Absolutely delicious.
Italian food, Japanese, Chinise, Mexican. All Foods have their own unqiue flavor and are delicious. I love trying new breads and cheeses (seperately or together) and i love cooking my own things. Ever had a maple burger? haha, funny thing about that. I sauted a hamburger in maple syrup, it was slightly sweet, all delicious. I love to make deserts, especially banana fosters. pwntastic.
You know, it's funny, yesterday I mentioned how i cook a damn good steak, then tonight, I cook a damn good omahgawd good...I ate 2 10oz's myself
Garlic bread's a favourite of mine, but when I have to eat a meal, then sweet and sour battered chicken balls with noodles are sooo good!
Black Pudding (a good one, none of your crappy store-bought stuff). With a slice of good strong Cheddar on top. Wrapped in Hash-brown. Shallow fried. For the ultimate win.
Have you guys ever had bread pudding? So delicious, my local restaurant makes it the best. Potato Latkas too (Spelling, I know) are amazing. Now im really hungry.